
This section of the Old Dominion MBA website was designed to provide you with the information you need to manage your course of study. Please contact the MBA Office if you have questions about any of the information provided below.



We will consider GMAT/GRE waiver requests for high potential candidates by considering application elements that demonstrate the ability to take on the rigor of graduate level studies. 资格包括终末学位, 经验/学者组合, 军事经验/学术组合, 近期/当前在册的高潜力本科生, 或过期的GMAT/GRE考试成绩.

可以找到豁免请求的信息 在这里.


A maximum of 12 semester-hour credits (or equivalent) may be transferred from another AACSB-I program. 成绩必须达到B级或以上,课程时间必须少于5年.

Experiential 学习 course work (including up to six hours but no more than 3 hours in any one type earned through experiential learning, 实习, 或独立学习学分选项)可以应用到M.B.A. 课程要求.


是的,你可以将入学期限推迟一年. 请写信给MBA项目办公室,1026 Constant Hall, Norfolk, VA 23529或电子邮件 要求将你的申请推迟到适当的学期.

有多少申请人被接受? 什么是不合格条件? 是否有典型录取学生的“简介”?

每学期录取率约为75%. The minimum acceptance requirements for regular admission are a GMAT score of 500 and undergraduate GPA of 2.8. 我们的GMAT平均成绩在540分左右,平均绩点在3分左右.3. 我们可以与GPA低于我们最低要求的学生合作, if students are able to present evidence of quantitative abilities that show likelihood of graduate success. 对于接近这些要求的学生,可以考虑临时录取.

通常被录取的学生都是全职员工, 兼职学生,平均年龄30岁左右. MBA students are from a multitude of different academic, professional, and cultural backgrounds. This provides the student body with a large pool of experience and knowledge to share in the MBA learning environment, 提高学生在ODU期间获得的整体利益.


Applicants whose native language is not English are also required to submit an acceptable score on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or 国际 English Language Testing System (IELTS). Non-native English-speaking applicants may be considered for conditional admission to the ELC's Monarch English Transition Program (formerly known as the Bridge Program). The 研究生 Monarch English Transition (MET) 项目 combine two English language support courses with one to two courses in the student's academic field. Successful completion of the semester-long MET Program satisfies the University's English proficiency requirement. 有关该计划的详细信息可在 # tab3 = 1

申请截止日期公布在 招生网页.


我们提供100%异步的混合, or a hybrid method w在这里 instruction is 60% online and 40% on campus/live w在这里 we include recorded live sessions for students who are unable to make in person meetings. 课程每学期授课8周.


Students may choose the option to apply their elective credits in pursuit of one of the ODU MBA program's high-impact MBA Concentrations. These 9 credit-hour concentrations allow students to meet all MBA graduation requirements while adding a specialization to their MBA degree. Students pursuing a concentration will complete a prescribed set of MBA Depth and elective courses as outlined in the MBA Concentrations in our 目录.

另外, students may pursue a general MBA with no concentration selected or go deeper still by choosing to enhance their learning experience by adding a graduate certificate from those offered at 最靠谱的网赌软件. 研究生 certificates are stand-alone credentials that typically require a minimum of 9 to a maximum of 24 credit depending upon the certificate and its learning objectives. 选择这条路会给学生的课程增加学分. 然而, 对于与商业相关的证书课程, it may be possible for some of the certificate courses to count both toward the certificate and the MBA degree. 学生们将与MBA项目顾问一起决定有多少, 如果有任何, 学分可以同时计入MBA和研究生证书. It is possible to add a certificate to the MBA and have as few as 3 additional credit hours added to the MBA program of study.

Please note that a maximum of 12 credit hours of work at the 500-level can be applied toward the MBA program of study.


No. Students from various backgrounds join our program regardless of previous class work completed. 我们只要求申请人来自地区认可的机构.


Accepted MBA students can apply for graduate assistantship work positions and scholarships within the MBA program. 奖学金机会的外部选择也存在, 网站提供了其中几个网站的链接 ODU MBA网站.



所有的MBA学生将被要求学习MBA 648,建立一个专业品牌. The course will give students useful tools for career development and the instructor provides executive coaching ongoing.

所有MBA学生都有资格获得完整的职业发展服务(CDS). 有关详情,请浏览 职业服务 or 757-683-4388.


MBA学生可以购买通勤贴花. Students may obtain decals at the 停车 Office on the Norfolk or Higher Education Campuses, 或者在网上 ODU停车入口. 也有计费器停车. 有关停车的更多信息,请访问 ODU停车 或致电757-683-4004.


不需要,您可以通过电话、电子邮件或视频会议获得建议. 你必须通知你的导师你想要学习的课程. 在未通知指定课程的情况下,您的指导老师限制将不会被删除.

你也可以使用DegreeWorks应用程序 在MyODU入门网站下进行长远规划及提供意见. 欲了解更多有关DegreeWorks的信息,请访问

MBA学生需要完成学位课程计划的建议. 可以找到一个关于DegreeWorks各种功能的教程 在这里.


Senior service college credit will not directly transfer into the ODU MBA Program as the institutions are not AACSB accredited; however, 军事经验可以潜在地用于GMAT豁免请求. 检查我们列出的要求 进入页面.

退伍军人法案,学费援助或退伍军人福利信息可以在 军事页面.


MBA students may seek academic credit using the following options: Training evaluation-workplace and/or military, 外部考试和认证, 部门检查, 和投资组合开发.

更多信息请联系:757-683-6554,,或访问ODU的先前学习评估办公室 主页.


您可以查看ODU的计算机要求 在这里


狮子座在线是一个基于网络的学生信息系统. A student can pay for tuition, get grade information, and register for classes using this system. 您也可以在LEO在线上支付账单并查看您的账户余额.


Canvas is the web-based course management tool that is used by ODU faculty to adminster course content.

在Canvas环境中, your instructors will make a wide variety of electronic media available to you: PowerPoint handouts, Word文档, Excel电子表格, 视频和音频剪辑, pdf及更多. You'll find your syllabus, assignments, grades and feedback in this one convenient place.


PLE and Canvas are companion sites; you will use them together to complete your online course. 你可以在这里找到你的课程大纲和时间表,以及其他课程材料.