
登录到 canvas.mojahedin-enghelab.net with your MIDAS ID and password. 检查你的 浏览器兼容性.

Canvas is the web-based course management tool that is used by ODU faculty to administer course content.

Within the Canvas environment, your instructors will make a wide variety of electronic media available to you: PowerPoint handouts, Word文档, Excel电子表格, 视频和音频剪辑, pdf及更多. You'll find your syllabus, assignments, grades and feedback in this one convenient place.



Log in with your MIDAS ID and password (not for use with mobile browsers).


Download the Canvas Student app, then search for ODU and log in.


Download the Canvas Student app, then search for ODU and log in.


全球导航菜单 is located along the left side of every screen in Canvas. 的 links in this menu provide quick access to frequently used Canvas features and to your courses. 链接包括 指示板, 课程, 日历, 收件箱,和 帮助 menu.


指示板 is the first page you see after you log in. 从这里,你会看到 课程卡 that will take you to each of your courses, along with any 公告 从ODU. 在 指示板侧边栏 (on the right), you can see your 要做 list, upcoming assignments and more.

To change your 指示板 view,点击 选项 menu (the three vertical dots) and select your preferred viewing option.


To view your courses,点击 课程 link on the left (1), then select the name of the course (2).

的 课程 menu can display courses you are enrolled in or your list of favorite courses. To 自定义课程列表 or view all your Canvas courses,点击 所有的课程 link.


When you select a course, you land on the 课程主页. You see the Course Navigation on the left (1), the main content area in the middle (2),和 sidebar on the right (3).

Instructors can customize the links that are shown in their courses, so if you see links in some courses but not others, your instructor may have hidden them. Your main course content will likely be in the 模块 link, but your instructor may organize the content differently.


To view your assignments,点击 作业 link from the Course Navigation on the 课程主页.

任务页面 allows you to view all your courses' assignments. If the 作业 link is not available, you can access 作业 from the 指示板, 教学大纲, 成绩单发布, 日历, 或模块.

To view the details of an assignment (like instructions or grading criteria),点击 name of the assignment. 赋值类型包括 在线作业 (1), 讨论 (2), or 小测验 (3). 的re are many ways to submit 在线作业 in Canvas, depending on what your instructors chooses.


To view your grades for a course,点击 课程 link from the 全球导航菜单,点击 name of the course, then click the 成绩 link.

成绩页面 displays all current grades for that course, sorted chronologically by assignment due date. 从本页开始, you can also change the course for which you would like to view grades, change the sorting order or view additional information like the scoring details, 评论, 和题目.

You can change your settings like 代词, 语言, 时区 or 添加联系人方式 通知:

  1. 点击 账户 in the 全球导航菜单, then click 设置.
  2. 单击 编辑设置 按钮在右边.
  3. 进行编辑,然后单击 更新设置.

管理你的 Canvas notification settings 或一组 notification settings for individual courses :

  1. 点击 账户 in the 全球导航菜单, then click 通知.
  2. Select an option from the dropdown and choose what, where and when notifications are sent.



In this video from Canvas, you will learn about your Canvas 指示板 and 全球 Navigation links. You'll also learn about navigating a course and accessing assignments.


的 Academic Resource Center has put together some information on the most used features of Canvas.

Canvas: 个人资料图片指南

Upload an avatar, or profile picture, that will represent you throughout the Canvas system.


Browse information provided by Canvas just for students.

Turnitin抄袭工具 (Students)

Your instructors may use TurnItIn to check your work for plagiarism.


This custom web browser locks down the testing environment within Canvas.


Enroll in this self-paced course for a better understanding of Canvas.



Get 24/7 chat, phone, email and online support. Hit the "帮助" button from inside Canvas, or browse Canvas guides online.

学业成功中心 (ASC)

的 ODU 学业成功中心 covers Canvas basics in one-on-one mentoring sessions.  联系 academicsuccesscenter@mojahedin-enghelab.net 或致电757-683-3699.


的 ITS服务台 is available by phone or email around the clock, or visit us during 办公室 hours inside Monarch Hall if you need help logging in or have technical issues.