Conduct conferences do not have an appeal process. If you are the respondent and you attended your hearing, you may appeal the decision of a Conduct Officer or panel for sanctions involving separation (termination of the housing agreement, revocation of admission and/or degree, suspension of student organization status, 进行悬架, or conduct expulsion) or other guidelines in XII.F.4.a.

Requests for appeal should be made via the link below within 5 business days from the date on which the hearing decision letter was sent. Requests received after this date will only be accepted for good cause. Any request for an appeal should describe, as thoroughly and precisely as possible, the basis for the request, as an appeal will normally be limited to a review of applicable records. 当主任, 或被任命者, requests to speak with any party regarding the appeal, the purpose will be to gather information related to the appeal request, not to rehear a case.

At least one of the following reasons should be stated in your request for an appeal:

  • To determine whether sanctions involving separation (termination of the housing agreement, revocation of admission and/or degree, suspension of student organization status, 进行悬架, or conduct expulsion) were appropriate in light of all relevant factors (other sanctions are not eligible for appeal).
  • To determine whether a significant departure from any provision of this Code unfairly and materially impacted the outcome of the hearing (deviations from procedures outlined in the Code will only be instructive when significant prejudice to the appealing student occurs);
  • To determine whether a finding of responsibility was reasonable based on the information available to the Conduct Officer or panel; and
  • To consider new information, not known or reasonably available to the appealing student at the time of the hearing, that could be sufficient to substantively modify the outcome of the hearing.

The original decision may be upheld, 修改, 推翻了, or sent back to a Conduct Officer or panel to remedy any prior errors or to consider new information. The decision of the Director is final and not subject to further appeal.



If you need to report an emergency, do not use these forms. Instead, call the Old Dominion University Police at (757) 683-4000,或拨打911. To report a crime anonymously, please visit the ODU Police 报告 a Crime Webpage .

报告 a 学生的行为 Violation

Any person may use this form to report a suspected violation of the Code of 学生的行为. The reporting party must provide their name and incident details.

报告 a 住房/Residence Life Incident

Students or staff of 住房 & Residence Life may use this form to report violations of the Code of 学生的行为 that occur in housing.

报告 an 学术诚信 Violation

教师 members who suspect a student may have engaged in an 学术诚信 violation are strongly encouraged to consult with OSCAI staff.