
University requirements for undergraduates and graduate students are published in the 大学目录. Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress toward degree completion, and for meeting all graduation requirements.

Prior to the beginning of their final semester, 强烈鼓励学生咨询他们的主要和次要顾问关于他们的学业进展.

Correspondence regarding graduation applications, 状态, processing and clearance is being sent via e-mail to the ODU student e-mail address. Students are required by University policy to activate, 维护, 并定期检查他们的ODU电子邮件帐户,以便他们收到重要的行政信函. 如果学生的电子邮件被退回或没有有效的大学电子邮件地址,信件将邮寄到永久地址. Land-based mail is slower than e-mail and may delay processes for students.



在本学期末毕业的学生将有一个暂停,阻止进一步注册(仅限). 如果你需要在预期毕业日期之后选修课程来完成学位要求, 或者想更改毕业日期, 你必须用电子邮件 graduate@mojahedin-enghelab.net 通知大学注册主任你将继续目前的学位课程(提供新的毕业学期), 并请求解除封锁.

否则, 此保留保留在学生的记录中,直到学生重新入学攻读学位(第二个学士或硕士学位)或非学位状态.

If you have been admitted to a new degree program, this hold will be removed.


Final transcripts are not automatically provided to graduates, but must be requested in writing or using our new online transcript request. T在这里 is a fee for each official transcript requested. E-mail requests for transcripts are not accepted. 看到 成绩单(索取成绩单) 了解更多信息.


需要在成绩单上反映授予学位的学生应在LEO在线查询毕业状态 之前 要求提供笔录, 如果需要的话, 在成绩单请求上注明“保留学位”,以确保在授予的学位被发布到学术记录之前不会产生成绩单.

关于注册毕业典礼 Ceremony

Students must register to participate in the commencement ceremony. Please review the Commencement ceremony information 在这里.

提醒学生: participation in 毕业典礼 does not confirm that a degree has been conferred.

重要提示:学位状态为“预期”的学生必须与他们的顾问会面,才能宣布进入学位课程(i.e.(学士或学士),然后再申请毕业. 学生可以查看他们的学位状态 狮子座在线 (在 学生记录-->查看学生一般资料).

只有被录取为攻读学位的学生,并宣布进入专业和学位课程,才能申请毕业. 看到 申请毕业 了解更多信息.



ONLY STUDENTS WHO HAVE BEEN ADMITTED TO THE UNIVERSITY AS DEGREE-SEEKING MAY APPLY FOR GRADUATION. Non-degree students are not eligible to declare a major or apply for graduation.



Students should apply 至少 6 months prior to graduation (see 校历),这样你就有足够的时间来计划你的最后一个学期,并确保满足所有学位要求.

  • 11月30日为春季学期完成学位要求的候选人(5月毕业日期)
  • 2月28日为完成暑期课程学位要求的候选人(8月毕业日期)
  • 6月30日为在秋季学期完成学位要求的候选人(12月毕业日期)

Prior to applying for graduation, please review your Degree Works degree evaluation in 狮子座在线 or myODU. Make an appointment with your on-campus or distance learning academic advisor, 还有你的辅修导师, 如果适用的话. (见 学术顾问 了解更多信息.) Have your degree evaluation available for that meeting.


为了申请毕业, undergraduate students must have a minimum of 90 earned hours (senior standing), 15 of which must be institutional (ODU) hours, 最小值是2.0的绩点. 的 degree must be declared (not "intended").

研究生 students must have a minimum of 12 earned hours, all of which must be institutional (ODU) hours, 最小值是3.0的绩点.

如果你的导师或研究生项目主任确认你有资格申请毕业 而且你符合上述条件, apply online using the application for graduation that is provided in 狮子座在线 or myODU. 的 申请毕业生 链接在 毕业 狮子座在线菜单.

Applications are left open past the recommended deadlines to accommodate students who apply late. 确保你的名字被包括在典礼上分发的毕业典礼练习计划中, 然而, 你必须申请 至少 毕业前2个月.

Applications for graduation are available according to the schedule below:
毕业学期 毕业日期 应用程序打开 应用程序关闭
2023年春季 2023年5月 打开现在 2023年5月- 06 -
2023年夏天 2023年8月 打开现在 25 - 8月- 2023
2023年秋季 2023年12月 打开现在 16 - 12月- 2023
2024年春季 2024年5月 打开现在 2024年5月- 04 -
2024年夏天 2024年8月 01 - jun - 2023 23日- 8月- 2024
2024年秋季 2024年12月 01 - 9 - 2023 14 - 12月- 2024
2025年春季 2025年5月 01 - 1月- 2024 10 - 5 - 2025

You may apply for graduation and commencement at the same time. 如果你不想参加毕业典礼, you will still be able to complete the application for graduation only. 一旦您的申请完成,您将收到一封确认电子邮件到您的ODU电子邮件地址.

On the 毕业 menu, you can view your graduation application and your graduation 状态.

一旦获得学位认证, but not 之前 the official degree conferral date, the degree 状态 will be changed to "Awarded," usually within 4 weeks after the official degree conferral date.

关于注册毕业典礼 Ceremonies

Students must register to participate in the commencement ceremony. Please review the Commencement ceremony information 在这里.

Questions about the application for graduation should be addressed to graduate@mojahedin-enghelab.net with your full name and University ID number.

提醒学生: participation in 毕业典礼 does not confirm that a degree has been conferred.

点击查看全文 顾问名录.

T在这里 are three graduation dates each year: 五月, August, and 12月.

Specific graduation dates for a term can be found in the 大学目录 校历 published for each semester at the Registrar's web site.

Students should plan to participate in ceremonies as follows:

  • Students who plan to complete degree requirements by the end of the 春天 学期参与 五月 毕业典礼.
  • Students who plan to complete degree requirements by the end of the 夏天 会议参与 五月 毕业典礼. 没有夏季毕业典礼.
  • Students who plan to complete degree requirements in the 秋天 学期参与 12月 毕业典礼.



  • Instructions for submission of theses and dissertations are provided at the 研究生院网站.
  • 申请毕业的研究生必须按照ProQuest网站公布的时间安排,以电子方式向ProQuest提交毕业论文或论文 校历, for the term (or part of term) in which they are graduating. 错过截止日期可能会耽误毕业. 的 schedule below provides a general guideline of due dates.
术语 论文的最后期限 论文的最后期限
秋天 开工前的星期五 本学期最后一天上课
春天 开工前的星期五 本学期最后一天上课
夏天 批准日前的星期五 批准日前的星期五



Commencement ceremonies may take place the day 之前 the end of semester degree conferral date; 然而 the official degree conferral date is the same for all graduates and may be different from the date of your commencement ceremony.

Participation in the commencement ceremony does not certify that a student has graduated. 在所有成绩报告给大学注册办公室并发布到学生的记录后,学位被授予并发布到学生的成绩单上, 所有学位要求都达到了. 的 official graduation date is the end of the semester in which all requirements are completed.


在你申请毕业之前, 审查你的学位作品学位评估,并咨询研究生课程主任,以确保所有课程/学位要求都得到满足.


在你申请毕业之前, review your Degree Works degree evaluation in 狮子座在线 和n make sure you have completed the following:

  • 查看通识教育要求:检查 大学目录 了解通识教育要求和可能适用于你的专业的任何额外要求(有些专业可能不同或有特定的通识教育课程要求).
  • 检查外语要求:参考 大学目录 确保你达到了大学和你的专业/学院的外语要求.
  • 对所有转移工作进行评估: All transfer work must be evaluated by 入学s and posted to the academic record. Courses taken at another school during your last semester may delay your graduation.
  • 部门建议确保你已经得到了你的专业(和辅修)首席部门顾问或远程学习顾问的建议. Be sure your major is declared and your degree does not show as "intended."
  • 高级评估所有即将毕业的高年级学生必须在毕业前的最后一个学期完成要求的高年级评估调查. A separate assessment is provided for distance learning students.
  • 写作能力:所有本科生, including those students who are seeking a second baccalaureate degree, must satisfy the University's 写作能力 requirement prior to the date of graduation. For information on meeting this requirement, please see the 大学要求 本网站的部分.
  • 如果你收到了一封来自注册办公室的电子邮件,上面有关于申请毕业的说明, 请作出相应回应.



You may apply for graduation and commencement at the same time, all through 狮子座在线. 如果你不想参加毕业典礼, you will still be able to complete the application for graduation only. Once your application is complete, you will receive a confirmation email.

Students must register to participate in the commencement ceremony. 请查看毕业生信息 在这里.



Mon-Fri 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 美国东部时间
夏季服务台工作时间 周一至周五上午9点.m. 到下午4点.m.



