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哲学 & Religious Studies建议

Take Charge of Your Academic Success

We are passionate about the success of every student. Let us help you navigate your philosophical journey.

The 哲学 and Religious Studies Department is deeply invested in the success of each and every student and seeks to support a diverse, and inclusive community of philosophical thinkers. Our Chief Departmental Advisor, Dr. 吉姆·范多, is here to ensure that this vision becomes a reality. Through personalized advising sessions, he provides current and prospective majors and minors any information they need regarding the program and the university in general to help students “4完成”. Dr. Van Dore is here to guide students through the program requirements, select appropriate electives, and provide the support they need to flourish academically. Because we care about our student's success beyond ODU, he is also happy to aid students in career and graduate school planning.

Why schedule an advising appointment?

  • Declare a Major or Minor
  • Register for classes — Pay Later!
  • Learn more about our concentrations
  • RESEARCH生 advising
  • Career and graduate school advising
  • And so much more!

哲学 & Religious Studies

Here you'll find details including program options, requirements, and course descriptions. Note that not all courses listed are offered regularly. To find out which courses will be available in a given semester, please check the schedule or call (757) 683-3861.

Pre-建议 Tips:

  • 登录 LeoOnline and review your transcript.
  • 使用 DegreeWorks system to view your academic history, program requirements, estimated time remaining until the completion of your degree, and other helpful information.
  • 打印出 主要检查表 或者一个 minor checklist and complete it before or during your advising meeting.

For more information or to make an advising appointment, please email Dr. 范多雷 jvandore@mojahedin-enghelab.net or complete the appointment request form below.

LeoOnline DegreeWorks Major Checklist Minor Checklist

Appointment Form

Appointment Form


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