

水下五颜六色的水母. 水母在水中移动.

海洋中的生物海洋学浓度 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students considering employment or graduate work in the field of 生物 海洋学. Biological 海洋学 is the study of 生物 processes in the oceans, i.e., 海洋生物以及它们如何受到物理的影响, 化学, 海洋的生物学和地质学. Students in the 生物 海洋学 concentration are strongly encouraged to minor in biology by taking the appropriate 300- and 400-level classes in the biology department.


海洋化学浓度 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students considering employment or graduate work in the field of 化学 海洋学. Chemical 海洋学 is the study of the behavior of the 化学 elements in the oceans and marine sediments and how they are affected by physical, 化学, 生物, 以及地质过程. Students in the 化学 海洋学 concentration are strongly encouraged to minor in 化学 by taking the appropriate 300- and 400-level classes in the 化学 department.


地球科学教育集中于海洋 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students interested in teaching 地球 science in secondary schools. This program meets the requirements for teacher licensure in Virginia as established by the Virginia Board of Education licensure regulations.


海洋环境科学的集中 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students broadly interested in 地球 and ocean sciences. 学生将获得扎实的基础科学背景(如科学).g., 化学, 物理, 数学, 和生物学),同时也选修地质学的课程, 海洋学, 大气科学. The concentration allows students the freedom to focus their upper-level coursework in a disciplinary field in ocean and 地球 sciences they find most compelling. Student in this concentration will be prepared for a wide range of future scientific pursuits (including graduate studies in appropriate fields), as well as work (or graduate studies) that applies their skills to policy development and interpretation. 具体的就业机会包括在当地工作, 状态, 以及联邦政府机构, 环境咨询公司, 及非政府组织(NGOs).


海洋的地质密度 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students with a wide range of professional goals in the sciences, 工程, 业务, 还有艺术. 希望在纯地质学和应用地质学领域就业的学生, 包括环境地质学, 海洋地质, 水文地质, 海洋地质, 地球生物学, 地球物理学, 和地球化学, should also choose their courses to support certification as a professional geologist (below). Students considering graduate work in these fields should similarly build their backgrounds accordingly. Students with a strong interest in 地质 applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and 遥感 tools should consider the geology concentration with a minor in geography; the certificate program in spatial analysis of coastal environments also emphasizes this area of study.


海洋科学技术集中于海洋 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students interested in the more practical and technical side of 海洋学. 学生获得数据采集和处理的实用技能, 现场操作, 以及仪器设计, 组装, 操作, 和维护. Whereas other concentrations in ocean and 地球 science emphasize more theoretical aspects of these fields, 这种专注着重于实践技能. 毕业后, students in this concentration will be able to work closely with scientists, 研究人员, and engineers on wide ranging projects in the environmental science and technology fields. 例如, these include potential job opportunities associated with Virginia's offshore wind resource development, 包括收集和分析气象, 海洋学和环境数据, 改善港口和物流设施, 并确保这一开发与其他海洋用途兼容.


海洋中的物理海洋学浓度 & 地球科学B.S. degree is designed for students considering employment or graduate work in the field of physical 海洋学. Physical 海洋学 is the study of physical conditions and physical processes in the ocean, especially the transport and physical properties of ocean waters (particularly heat and salt).



海洋大师 & Earth Science integrated curriculum uses active learning by promoting research and education. It is designed to give graduates the skill sets to prepare them for a range of careers in academia, 公共部门和私营部门. The graduate program in OEAS draws from the strength of our diverse faculty and their active research programs that span the globe. 研究生 students have the opportunity to take part in research projects among a broad suite of field sites from the local waters of the Chesapeake Bay to the polar regions.



Ph值.D degree follows the traditional path of original research in the field of 海洋学. 重点领域是生物, 化学, 地质, 物理海洋学, 以及地球和地质科学. Interdisciplinary studies are emphasized and an integral part of the student experience. The curricula are designed to prepare graduates for professional practice in their area of interest.


行星地球与详细浮雕和大气. 日与夜

The certificate in spatial analysis of coastal environments (SpACE) provides an interdisciplinary program for students wishing to pursue careers in coastal management or research, 遥感, 或地理信息系统(GIS)应用. 完成要求后呈现, the certificate is an academic affidavit comprised of courses in geography and ocean, 地球 大气科学 and is administered by the two departments.



海洋辅修 & 地球科学 is designed for students who wish to supplement their major course of study with coursework in this field. 主修生物专业的大三、大四学生, 生物化学, 化学, 计算机科学, 工程, 数学或物理有资格进入辅修课程. Students wishing to pursue the minor may elect to emphasize any aspect of geology, 或生物, 化学, 或者物理海洋学.