









我们在音乐学士学位下提供四个学习领域. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的选项卡.

学生完成 音乐学士,pre -12音乐教育专业 degree will be recommended for the appropriate license to teach music in the public schools. 的 majors are available in vocal or instrumental music for grades PreK-12. 音乐教育 graduates that complete the approved teacher education program (including the Teacher Candidate Internship) are eligible for teaching licensure from the Virginia Department of Education, 哪个在多种状态下是互反的. Nearly 100% of ODU 音乐教育 graduates seeking employment earn employment in their field.

ODU音乐学士学位, 音乐教育 degree program provides comprehensive preparation for the pre-service music educator. 多观察, practicum and internship field experiences allow the student to build upon the superb pedagogical, applied and ensemble performance foundation required throughout the curriculum.

联系 Dr. 道格拉斯•欧文斯,器乐教育本科专业顾问,或 Dr. 世界Raschdorf, Vocal 音乐教育 本科 Program Advisor 了解更多信息.

类 & 需求



类 & 需求

有兴趣的学生可 双重认证 (in both instrumental and vocal music education) by completing an additional year of study. 的 student teaching experience in this program will be a half semester of vocal teaching and a half semester of instrumental teaching. Students interested in 双重认证 should be advised by the department's music education specialist as early in their degree program as possible.

类 & 需求

Participation in the Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement Program allows those graduates with prior music degrees an opportunity to earn the Virginia Educator Licensure in 音乐教育. 完整的信息在下面的链接. 联系 Dr. 道格拉斯•欧文斯 了解更多信息.

类 & 需求

ODU的 音乐表演学士学位 degree prepares students for the high level of musicianship and professionalism expected in multiple genres of music. 的 emphasis is on developing individual musicianship through applied music lessons and participation in a variety of ensembles along with a foundation in music theory and history.

联系 Dr. 迈克大厅,以获取更多信息.


类 & 需求

ODU的 音乐作曲学士学位 程序侧重于分析的发展, 作文, and computer skills is based on a comprehensive study of the theoretical background of music from all periods and various cultures.

  • 你是否着迷于音乐如何让游戏或电影变得生动?
  • 你是否有音乐的想法,但很难与他人交流?
  • Do you want to learn how to quickly get your musical ideas in a form that can be played by musicians?

联系 Dr. 安德烈卡斯帕罗夫, 项目顾问,了解更多信息.

类 & 需求

学生追求 音乐学士,主修录音技术 degree will have hands-on experience with state-of-the-art existing and emerging technology, 对理论基础的深入了解, 这种做法, 还有现场声音的艺术性, 录音, 音乐制作. 通过特定领域的课程, students will gain an understanding of the inner workings of the field. 的 program's focus on the mastery of musical skills as well as the practical, 技术, and business aspects will provide an excellent level of preparation to pursue a career in the field.

音乐学士, with 录音技术重点 (SRT) majors may audition for applied lessons in either the Jazz or 经典 area. 如果被爵士大学录取, students may be initially assigned to applied lessons in the 经典 area to address basic technique, 接下来的几个学期,重点是爵士乐风格和曲目. 的 applied performance jury will focus on the appropriate areas of study in any specific semester, 由教练决定. Those auditioning for the Jazz area should prepare the audition as directed by 爵士文学学士 的指导方针.

联系 亚历克·帕默史密斯教授,以获取更多信息.

学生完成 音乐学士,pre -12音乐教育专业 degree will be recommended for the appropriate license to teach music in the public schools. 的 majors are available in vocal or instrumental music for grades PreK-12. 音乐教育 graduates that complete the approved teacher education program (including the Teacher Candidate Internship) are eligible for teaching licensure from the Virginia Department of Education, 哪个在多种状态下是互反的. Nearly 100% of ODU 音乐教育 graduates seeking employment earn employment in their field.

ODU音乐学士学位, 音乐教育 degree program provides comprehensive preparation for the pre-service music educator. 多观察, practicum and internship field experiences allow the student to build upon the superb pedagogical, applied and ensemble performance foundation required throughout the curriculum.

联系 Dr. 道格拉斯•欧文斯,器乐教育本科专业顾问,或 Dr. 世界Raschdorf, Vocal 音乐教育 本科 Program Advisor 了解更多信息.

类 & 需求



类 & 需求

有兴趣的学生可 双重认证 (in both instrumental and vocal music education) by completing an additional year of study. 的 student teaching experience in this program will be a half semester of vocal teaching and a half semester of instrumental teaching. Students interested in 双重认证 should be advised by the department's music education specialist as early in their degree program as possible.

类 & 需求

Participation in the Post-Baccalaureate Endorsement Program allows those graduates with prior music degrees an opportunity to earn the Virginia Educator Licensure in 音乐教育. 完整的信息在下面的链接. 联系 Dr. 道格拉斯•欧文斯 了解更多信息.

类 & 需求

ODU的 音乐表演学士学位 degree prepares students for the high level of musicianship and professionalism expected in multiple genres of music. 的 emphasis is on developing individual musicianship through applied music lessons and participation in a variety of ensembles along with a foundation in music theory and history.

联系 Dr. 迈克大厅,以获取更多信息.


类 & 需求

ODU的 音乐作曲学士学位 程序侧重于分析的发展, 作文, and computer skills is based on a comprehensive study of the theoretical background of music from all periods and various cultures.

  • 你是否着迷于音乐如何让游戏或电影变得生动?
  • 你是否有音乐的想法,但很难与他人交流?
  • Do you want to learn how to quickly get your musical ideas in a form that can be played by musicians?

联系 Dr. 安德烈卡斯帕罗夫, 项目顾问,了解更多信息.

类 & 需求

学生追求 音乐学士,主修录音技术 degree will have hands-on experience with state-of-the-art existing and emerging technology, 对理论基础的深入了解, 这种做法, 还有现场声音的艺术性, 录音, 音乐制作. 通过特定领域的课程, students will gain an understanding of the inner workings of the field. 的 program's focus on the mastery of musical skills as well as the practical, 技术, and business aspects will provide an excellent level of preparation to pursue a career in the field.

音乐学士, with 录音技术重点 (SRT) majors may audition for applied lessons in either the Jazz or 经典 area. 如果被爵士大学录取, students may be initially assigned to applied lessons in the 经典 area to address basic technique, 接下来的几个学期,重点是爵士乐风格和曲目. 的 applied performance jury will focus on the appropriate areas of study in any specific semester, 由教练决定. Those auditioning for the Jazz area should prepare the audition as directed by 爵士文学学士 的指导方针.

联系 亚历克·帕默史密斯教授,以获取更多信息.


音乐文学学士学位 allows students to specialize in music within a broad liberal arts degree program. 学生可以选择18学分的高级音乐课程 or may choose an emphasis in either music history, music theory or jazz areas. Students planning on graduate study in music theory or history should consider this program.

联系 Dr. 比安卡大厅,以获取更多信息. 联系 约翰·图米教授 有关文学学士,爵士重点的信息.

类 & 需求

音乐文学学士学位 allows students to specialize in music within a broad liberal arts degree program. In addition to the ODU general education and departmental requirements, the degree requires 18 credit hours of upper-level music courses (at the 300 or 400 level) of the student's choice.

类 & 需求

音乐文学学士,音乐史重点领域 包括ODU通识教育要求, the departmental requirements of the degree and history-specific courses such as Music in the Baroque, 经典, 浪漫和现代时代以及爵士乐的历史.

类 & 需求

音乐文学学士学位,音乐理论重点 area 包括ODU通识教育要求, the departmental requirements of the degree and theory-specific courses such as Counterpoint, 形式、分析和编排.

类 & 需求

的 音乐、爵士专业文学学士学位 包括ODU通识教育要求, the departmental requirements of the degree and jazz-specific courses such as Jazz Improvisation I and II, 爵士乐的历史, 爵士乐组合, 爵士乐团或爵士合唱团.

类 & 需求

音乐文学学士学位 allows students to specialize in music within a broad liberal arts degree program. In addition to the ODU general education and departmental requirements, the degree requires 18 credit hours of upper-level music courses (at the 300 or 400 level) of the student's choice.

类 & 需求

音乐文学学士,音乐史重点领域 包括ODU通识教育要求, the departmental requirements of the degree and history-specific courses such as Music in the Baroque, 经典, 浪漫和现代时代以及爵士乐的历史.

类 & 需求

音乐文学学士学位,音乐理论重点 area 包括ODU通识教育要求, the departmental requirements of the degree and theory-specific courses such as Counterpoint, 形式、分析和编排.

类 & 需求

的 音乐、爵士专业文学学士学位 包括ODU通识教育要求, the departmental requirements of the degree and jazz-specific courses such as Jazz Improvisation I and II, 爵士乐的历史, 爵士乐组合, 爵士乐团或爵士合唱团.


的 Music Minor can be paired with practically any major in the university. 的 minor areas are designed for students who want to continue to develop musically throughout their college career. It is highly recommended that students begin the Music Minor in the freshman year. 有关更多信息,请参阅音乐辅修课程页面.

类 & 需求

音乐创作辅修侧重于分析的发展, 作文, and computer skills based on a comprehensive study of the theoretical background of music from all periods and various cultures.

类 & 需求

的 辅修音乐史 includes the departmental requirements of the degree and history-specific courses such as 历史 of Music and 爵士乐的历史.

类 & 需求

辅修音乐表演, the emphasis is on developing individual musicianship through applied music lessons and participation in a variety of ensembles.


类 & 需求

音乐创作辅修侧重于分析的发展, 作文, and computer skills based on a comprehensive study of the theoretical background of music from all periods and various cultures.

类 & 需求

的 辅修音乐史 includes the departmental requirements of the degree and history-specific courses such as 历史 of Music and 爵士乐的历史.

类 & 需求

辅修音乐表演, the emphasis is on developing individual musicianship through applied music lessons and participation in a variety of ensembles.
