

Old map graphic with logos of participating locations for MathFest scavenger hunts

当: 2024年6月15日到8月18日

什么: The ODU MathFest is organizing its fourth 数学无处不在 Scavenger Hunt across the entire Hampton Roads area. Overall pre-registration is not required, but different locations require pre-purchased tickets. 学生们将在每个地点接受独特的数学活动.

地点: 在每个参与组织, students and their parents receive an activity sheet with math-focused challenges that are aligned with the organization's mission. 除了活动, students earn one entry into our tablet giveaway for each location they visit.

而活动材料是免费的, participants should be prepared to pay admission at each location and abide by all rules and regulations the facilities have set forth.

All activity sheets will have a QR code that will allow participants to enter the drawing for a Kids Fire Pro Tablet.



一般信息: 在水手博物馆, 你可以完成一个活动,让你直接进入他们的任务, which is connecting people to one another through our shared maritime heritage. 博物馆里充满了迷人的故事, captured in priceless artifacts that celebrate the spirit of the open sea. 在这个活动中, students will work to crack the code and decipher secrets of maritime artifacts. Students will walk away with a deeper knowledge of the important work the Museum does and how they are connected to the world's waters.

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在前台要求一个MathFest活动.

访问信息: 博物馆的入场费是每人一元.

访问 MarinersMuseum.org 有关计划参观的更多详情.

一般信息: 的Nauticus & Battleship Wisconsin features an activity that allows you to enlist as a U.S. 海军舰艇的面包师,想办法为船员们做饭! Explore the Battleship Wisconsin's Galley and Mess Hall while completing the recipe worksheets.

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在战舰威斯康辛号的病房里申请一个MathFest活动.

访问信息: 的Nauticus & 威斯康辛号战舰参加了 全民博物馆 程序. 

“通过全民博物馆, those receiving food assistance (SNAP benefits) can gain free or reduced admission to more than 1,000 museums throughout the United States simply by presenting their EBT card and a photo ID. 搜索 below by museum name or state to find a participating museum near you!”

访问 Nauticus的票价 以及其他门票折扣.


一般信息: The 弗吉尼亚生活博物馆 features an activity that corresponds to its mission to connect people to nature through educational experiences that promote conservation. 在这个活动中, students will estimate how much otters eat and how much work goes into taking care of over 450 different plant species across their 25-acre campus!

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在前台要求一个MathFest活动.

访问信息: 访问 thevlm.org for hours, ticket 信息, and other details about planning your visit.

一般信息: The 维吉尼亚州动物园 features an activity that corresponds to their mission inspire a passion for nature and conservation action at home and around the world. 在这个活动中, students will use their critical thinking skills to solve problems about how oysters clean our water, 这是二趾树懒的最高速度, 和更多的!

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在售票窗口要求参加MathFest活动.

访问信息: 弗吉尼亚动物园参与了 诺福克能源计划:

$5 general admission to any Medicaid recipient age 2 and up (free admission to babies younger than 2). 折扣适用于周日至周六上午10点.m. 到5点.m. Excludes special events and cannot be combined with other coupons or discounts.

Please bring a valid Medicaid or qualifying insurance card with you upon arrival for each ticket purchased. 如果没有提供折扣资格证明, you will be charged the cost to upgrade to a Full Price General 入学 ticket.

The 维吉尼亚州动物园 also has a partnership with the Norfolk Public Libraries where they have purchased a “Library Membership” to the Zoo that can be checked out by anyone with a library card. Each of the 11 Norfolk public libraries has one of these memberships that can be checked out and up to 6 individuals can be brought to the Zoo at a time on it.

访问 virginiazoo.org/tickets 有关一般入场及优惠票的详情.

一般信息: 在克莱斯勒艺术博物馆, you can complete an activity that will enrich your understanding of the connection between art and mathematics. The Museum brings art and people together through experiences that delight, inform, and inspire. 在这个活动中,学生们将用数学在画廊里安装艺术品!​

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在前台要求一个MathFest活动.

访问信息: 博物馆免费入场. 访问 http://chrysler.org/ 有关计划参观的更多详情.

一般信息: 这个夏天来切萨皮克公共图书馆和书一起玩吧! Our library builds bridges to discovery by delivering a mix of materials, services, and experiences. This activity encourages kids of all ages to explore the intersection of well-loved stories and math!

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在儿童区.

访问信息: 您可以在我们的任何分支机构参加MathFest. 导航到 http://chesapeakelibrary.org/locations-hours 有关地点及营业时间.

一般信息: Come have fun with books and data at the 朴茨茅斯公共图书馆克拉多克分馆 this summer! 我们的图书馆提供最好的资料, 信息, 服务满足教育需求, 休闲, 文化, and social needs of our diverse city; to support lifelong learning; and to provide an atmosphere that is welcoming, 尊重, 和专业. This activity encourages kids of all ages to explore the intersection of books and math!

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在儿童区.

访问信息: 访问 http://portsmouthpubliclibrary.org/Facilities/Facility/Details/Cradock-Branch-Library-13 时间和地点.

一般信息: Come pick up your "Books can be Math" worksheet that highlights our mission to provide access to fun, 包容和终身学习贯穿我们的社区. 图书馆是社区居民聚会的重要场所, 分享信息, 参与令人兴奋的编程,通过书籍探索世界. This activity encourages patrons to look at our books a little differently while solving math problems that will challenge them to think outside the box.

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在儿童区!

访问信息: 访问 http://www.norfolkpubliclibrary.org/about-npl/hours-locations/richard-a-tucker-memorial-library 时间和其他信息.

一般信息: Come have fun with books and data at 弗吉尼亚海滩公共图书馆 this summer! Our library brings people together to provide equitable and convenient access to resources, 教育经验和丰富生活的机会. This activity encourages kids of all ages to explore the intersection of books and math!

哪里可以找到MathFest活动: 在儿童区.

访问信息: 您可以在我们的任何分支机构参加MathFest. 导航到 http://libraries.virginiabeach.gov/visit/location-hours 有关地点及营业时间.


  • 什么年龄段的人适合玩寻宝游戏?

  • 我如何进入平板电脑赠品? Each activity sheet will have a QR code that will take you to a Google Form that earns you one entry.

  • 其他问题?