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Our multi-week course formats allow abundant opportunities for learning and for interacting with our expert instructors. Courses are strategically scheduled during the weeks leading up to the most popular 坐 dates.


ODU的坐课程在线(直播) classes and combine the same great program as the traditional 坐 prep class with the added flexibility of attending class from anywhere and at any time. Our virtual classroom provides you with the opportunity to interact in real-time with our expert instructors, and the online format includes the added benefit of watching recordings of your class sessions at your convenience for up to 30 days after the course ends.


ODU 坐 prep courses are ideal for rising juniors who are taking the test for the first time, for seniors and other high school students who have already taken the exam but wish to improve their scores, and for younger students who are curious about or want early preparation for the 坐.

课程信息- 坐闪电战,坐暑期学院,和坐终极



ODU's 坐 Blitz is offered during the academic year to prepare students to reach their chosen test dates at peak performance. These courses meet once per week, allowing time to practice new skills between sessions. Our multi-week course format allows abundant opportunities for learning and for interacting with our expert instructors. Courses are strategically scheduled during the weeks leading up to the most popular 坐 dates and include 16 hours of instruction.

The College Board has made significant changes to the format and content of the 坐. 我们的专家将揭开新坐的神秘面纱, making it clear exactly what you need to know and helping you to hone your skills for the new format.

最靠谱的网赌软件's Test Prep program is a partner with Educational Testing Consultants, 高等教育考试准备的领导者. 每年, Educational Testing Consultants helps thousands of students prepare for the important pre-college standardized tests at major colleges and universities across the United States. Educational Testing Consultants provides a proven program with a record of success and highly trained, 高质量的教师.



  • 坐考试简介
  • 问题的格式
  • 时间管理
  • 消去过程
  • 明智的猜测


  • 解决方案策略
  • 方程与不等式
  • 指数
  • 分数、百分比和平均值
  • 比率,比率和比例
  • 多项式
  • 解析几何与坐标几何
  • 欧几里得几何和三角
  • 应用题


  • 标点和语法
  • 写作结构和组织
  • 批判阅读
  • 阅读理解
  • 图形解释



  • 16小时的专业课堂教学
  • 课程教材:美国大学理事会官方坐学习指南
  • 真正的坐练习题和测试
  • 当然工作簿
  • 易于遵循的学习计划



The 坐暑期学院 is a combination of live (in-person) and online tools to help students perform at their peaks on test day. Four online review sessions are held in the weeks leading up to the fall 坐 test dates. 除了, weekly online office hours provide a convenient way for students to get individualized help with specific questions or concerns that they may have. 学生只需要高速互联网接入, 演讲者, and Adobe Flash Player to participate in the online sessions—no additional software is required.

互动, one-hour online review sessions allow students to participate and ask questions of our expert test prep instructors. The live-online review sessions are recorded—students can still benefit even if their schedules don't allow live participation. Review sessions will be scheduled between the end of the course and the fall test dates.

Online office hours are free-form meetings open to all participants from the 坐暑期学院s. 教师将随时回答学生可能提出的任何问题. 课程是“旁听式”的,以学生为导向, 所以不会在每节课上都安排演讲. 而不是, our instructors will answer questions and work through problems in the order that they are received.



  • 介绍当前的坐
  • 问题的格式
  • 时间管理
  • 消去过程
  • 明智的猜测


  • 解决方案策略
  • 方程与不等式
  • 指数
  • 分数、百分比和平均值
  • 比率,比率和比例
  • 多项式
  • 解析几何与坐标几何
  • 欧几里得几何和三角
  • 应用题


  • 标点和语法
  • 写作结构和组织
  • 批判阅读
  • 阅读理解
  • 图形解释



  • 20小时的专业课堂教学
  • 获得网上办公时间
  • 在秋季考试前的4小时在线复习
  • 课程教材: 美国大学理事会官方坐学习指南
  • 真正的坐练习题和测试
  • 当然工作簿
  • 易于遵循的学习计划



The 坐在最终 includes online tools to help students perform at their peaks on test day.

Four online review sessions are held in the weeks leading up to the fall 坐 test dates. 互动, one-hour online review sessions allow students to participate and ask questions of our expert test prep instructors. The live-online review sessions are recorded—students can still benefit even if their schedules don't allow live participation. Review sessions will be scheduled between the end of the course and the fall test dates. 学生只需要高速互联网接入 and 演讲者 or headphones to participate in the online sessions—no additional software is required.

Weekly online office hours provide a convenient way for students to get individualized help with specific questions or concerns. Online office hours are free-form meetings open to all participants from the 坐在最终. 教师将随时回答学生可能提出的任何问题. 课程是“旁听式”的,以学生为导向, 所以不会在每节课上都安排演讲. 而不是, our instructors will answer questions and work through problems in the order that they are received.

除了, students will have access to an online instructor-monitored question forum and to recordings of an expert instructor explaining and reviewing all the workbook modules. 对在线资源的访问将持续到日历年结束, so students will have extended support as they complete their preparation independently.



  • 介绍当前的坐
  • 问题的格式
  • 时间管理
  • 消去过程
  • 明智的猜测


  • 解决方案策略
  • 方程与不等式
  • 指数
  • 分数、百分比和平均值
  • 比率,比率和比例
  • 多项式
  • 解析几何与坐标几何
  • 欧几里得几何和三角
  • 应用题


  • 标点和语法
  • 写作结构和组织
  • 批判阅读
  • 阅读理解
  • 图形解释




  • 经验丰富的专家讲师
  • 2个计时,监考的练习测试
  • 课程教材: 美国大学理事会官方坐学习指南
  • 真正的坐练习题和测试
  • 当然工作簿
  • 详尽的演示和解释
  • 易于遵循的学习计划
  • 访问在线支持资源



开始日期 结束日期 会议日期 星期几 开始时间 结束时间 注册链接
6/24/2024 6/27/2024 6/24; 6/25; 6/26; 6/27 Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday 下午1:00 下午5点 点击这里
7/15/2024 7/25/2024 7/15; 7/16; 7/17; 7/18; 7/22; 7/23; 7/24; 7/25 Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday 下午3点 下午5点 点击这里
7/29/2024 8/8/2024 7/29; 7/30; 7/31; 8/1; 8/5; 8/6; 8/7; 8/8 Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday 上午10点 东部时间中午12:00 点击这里
7/17/2024 8/12/2024 7/17, 7/22, 7/24, 7/29, 7/31, 8/5, 8/7, 8/12 Monday; Wednesday 晚上7点 晚上9点 点击这里
9/4/2024 9/30/2024 9/4, 9/9, 9/11, 9/16, 9/18, 9/23, 9/25, 9/30 Monday; Wednesday 晚上7点 晚上9点 点击这里
9/8/2024 10/27/2024 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20, 10/27 周日 下午3点 下午5点 点击这里
10/3/2024 10/29/2024 10/3, 10/8, 10/10, 10/15, 10/17, 10/22, 10/24, 10/29 Tuesday; Thursday 晚上7点 晚上9点 点击这里
10/23/2024 11/20/2024 10/23, 10/28, 10/30, 11/4, 11/6, 11/13, 11/18, 11/20 Monday; Wednesday 晚上7点 晚上9点 点击这里


开始日期 结束日期 会议日期 星期几 开始时间 结束时间

坐 Live-Online Ultimate

开始日期 结束日期 会议日期 星期几 开始时间 结束时间


开始日期 结束日期 会议日期 星期几 开始时间 结束时间 注册链接
6/24/2024 6/27/2024 6/24, 6/25, 6/26, 6/27 Monday; Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday 9:00AM 1:00PM 点击这里



Enhance your college career by gaining relevant experience with the skills and knowledge needed for your future career. 发现我们的体验式学习机会.


Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.