Letter of Intent

Read this important information to determine if you should submit yours today!

Students may submit a Letter of Intent to Old Dominion University if they meet one of the following conditions:

1. GAA Eligible
What is the GAA? It is the Guaranteed 入学 Agreement designed to ease the transfer process for students transferring from a Virginia community college to ODU.

2. 转移rable Associates Degree

  • Associate of 艺术

  • Associate of Science

  • Associate of 艺术 and Science

  • Associate of General Studies (make sure that your community college has been approve by SCHEV to offer the degree as "transferrable")

3. Articulated Applied Associates Degrees

ODU has an articulation process with the local community colleges and has developed articulations for community colleges around the state of Virginia.

查看 articulation agreements developed to date.

注意: Students must complete an associate degree before attending classes at ODU in order to be Guaranteed 入学 Agreement eligible and to submit a Letter of Intent. If you are not going to meet the criteria listed above, do not submit a Letter of Intent- simply apply through the 入学s website.



Submit the Letter of Intent

To continue with a Letter of Intent, submit the electronic form, ensuring that all required fields are completed.

You will still need to submit a regular application for admission in order to be admitted to ODU. The Letter of Intent does not act as an application.

For questions about the letter of intent, please contact transferadvising@mojahedin-enghelab.net.

Thank you for your interest in Old Dominion University! We look forward to welcoming you into the Monarch family!