课程覆盖 & 过载

During pre-registration and open registration and through the add/drop deadline, faculty may provide electronic overrides or overloads for their courses using 狮子座在线.

Providing an electronic override does not register the student in the class, but allows the student to complete the registration online (during the registration period for the course) and without further manual intervention.


  • Instructors should always consult with their department before granting overrides or overloads, since classroom capacity and departmental or University policy may not allow overrides.
  • 只有 小学老师 can provide overrides to courses online,
  • Courses with waitlists: Students should be advised to add themselves to the waitlist. Please do NOT approve closed-class overrides on courses with waitlists, as they will interfere with the automated waitlisting processes.
  • With or without overrides, students cannot register ONLINE after the registration deadline for any class.
  • Students are able to view overrides given in Banner Registration-->Prepare for Registration.

Electronic Overrides include:

  • instructor's approval (use only where registration requires instructor's signature -- such as independent study or topics courses)
  • class (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
  • closed class* (overall class capacity reached) (The closed class override should not be used on courses with a waitlist, as the override will impair the functioning of the waitlist. Students should be advised to add themselves on the waitlist.)
  • co-requisite
  • 程度上限制
  • 重复的过程
  • 主要的限制
  • 程序限制
  • 先决条件
  • 测试成绩
  • 时间冲突

*When you give a closed class override, the student must enter the CRN into the Enter CRNs tab (Banner Registration), and the system will recognize that the override has been given. The class continues to show closed on the Class Schedule 搜索.


错误 in overrides (i.e., applying an override to incorrect CRN) cannot be "undone" via 狮子座在线. If you make an error in the override, please contact the 办公室 of the University Registrar at register@mojahedin-enghelab.net.

Before you provide an override, you need:

  • the student's University ID Number (UIN)
  • the CRN (5-digit course reference number)
  • the registration error you are being asked to override. The override must match the registration error, or the student will not be able to complete the registration online.

How to provide an electronic override:

  1. Log in to 狮子座在线 secure self-service website.
  2. Select 教师 & 顾问 从菜单中.
  3. Select Registration Overrides.
  4. 突出显示并 选择项.
  5. Enter student's UIN and confirm student's name.
  6. 选择覆盖 标准(must match student's registration error(s).
  7. 选择课程.
  8. 提交更改 -- a confirmation appears -- submit the confirmation 关于变化.

Your part is done and the student may now view the override and complete registration for that class using 狮子座在线.