

Use the Latest Version of Zoom

First, it's important to keep your Zoom client up-to-date. Updates are pushed to ODU-managed computers, 但你应该检查你的个人电脑和设备上的更新.

注意:Zoom在系统范围内启用了最高级别的加密,并且仅支持版本5的加密.0 or later will be able to log in to Zoom meetings. If you try to enter a meeting using an older version of Zoom, you'll be prompted to upgrade before entering.

Default Meeting 设置

截至4月6日, 所有ODU Zoom帐户将有以下默认设置,以防止不受欢迎的Zoom客人:

Authenticated users 只有

Only authenticated Zoom users (with any type of Zoom account, ODU or otherwise) will be 所有owed to join meetings. You have the option to go even further by 所有owing 只有 ODU users to join your meetings. All ODU faculty, staff and students can set up a Zoom account at mojahedin-enghelab.net/变焦.

  • 任何试图加入会议的人都将被要求登录(如果他们还没有)。.
  • 通过认证的ODU用户无需等待即可进入会议.
  • 与会者谁 do 使用ODU帐户登录将进入等候室,并需要主机允许.
  • Non-ODU users will have a 客人 indicator next to their name in the participant list.


All meetings scheduled after April 6 will require a password. 该密码将自动包含在Zoom发送的会议邀请中, from the Outlook plugin or from Canvas. 没有密码的链接将不允许任何人进入会议.

  • If you just share the meeting ID or share the link a不her way, you will also need to share the password.


Generate a unique meeting ID

Don't use your Personal Meeting ID for meetings. 当您共享会议链接时,拥有该链接的任何人都可以加入您的会议. 你的个人会议ID本质上是一个连续的会议,人们可以随时进出. 相反,当您安排一个新的会议时,让Zoom生成一个随机的会议ID.

Disable "主持人前加入"

  1. odu.变焦.us and sign in with your MIDAS ID and password.
  2. 点击 设置 on the left side of the screen.
  3. 向下滚动到 主持人前加入 and make sure it is switched off.



  1. odu.变焦.us and sign in with your MIDAS ID and password.
  2. 点击 设置 on the left side of the screen.
  3. 向下滚动到 屏幕共享. 下 谁能分享?我确认 主机只 被选中. (屏幕共享 settings 应该 默认的 改为“仅限主持人”,即只允许主持人在会议中分享内容.)

(如果您需要允许与会者在会议中共享屏幕,请单击 共享屏幕 in the meeting control bar, and then Advanced Sharing Options to extend screen sharing privileges to 所有 participants.)


与会者被放置在等待区,直到主持人批准进入会议. 这 is especi所有y useful when you hold public meetings.

  1. odu.变焦.us and sign in with your MIDAS ID and password.
  2. 点击 设置 on the left side of the screen.
  3. Scroll down, and turn on the 等候室.
  4. 选择你想要的 所有 参与者或只是 客人 to be placed in the waiting room.
  5. 可选:自定义与会者在等候室看到的消息.


在会议进行时,您有几个选项来管理您的参与者. If you find you have a trouble-maker in your meting, you can try:


From that Participants menu, you can mouse over a participant's name, and several options will appear, 包括 删除. 点击 that to kick someone out of the meeting.


主持人可以对单个与会者静音/取消静音,也可以对所有与会者一次静音. 主持人可以屏蔽其他参与者不需要的、分散注意力的或不适当的噪音. 你也可以启用 进入静音 in your settings to keep the noise down in large meetings.


Zoom为所有人提供会议聊天功能,或者参与者可以私下相互发送消息. 在你的活动进行时,限制参与者彼此聊天的能力,减少干扰. 这是为了防止任何人在会议期间收到不想要的信息.


    对于私人会议, lock the meeting after it starts.

    • 点击 管理的参与者 在会议工具栏中.
    • At the bottom of the Participants window, click 更多的,然后 锁定会议.



    • Do 不 post Zoom URLs in public spaces like social media. Share meeting links 只有 with invited meeting attendees.
    • When possible, schedule class meetings from the 画布缩放工具. 学生可以直接在Canvas中加入会议-无需发送链接.


    更多的 information from Zoom

    Zoom has many ways to help you keep your meetings on track. 了解更多:


    当会议没有使用上面推荐的设置进行管理时, it is possible for malicious actors to automate guessing meeting IDs, 随机参加会议,意图破坏会议(绰号“Zoom-bombing”)。.


    Zoom因收集用户会议(视频)信息而受到批评, transcripts and shared 不es) for advertising, and for sending de-identified analytics data to 脸谱网.

    Zoom updated their privacy policy March 29, 2020, and no longer uses tracking software in the mobile app. 他们已经取消了将视频和其他用户内容用于定向广告和其他商业目的的能力, and removed legacy code that send analytics data to 脸谱网.

    Zoom使用TLS提供传输加密,与安全的HTTPS网站相同. 然而, 企业工具通常会对系统内部的数据进行解密,以促进带宽扩展等关键特性.


    Zoom客户端将Windows网络UNC路径转换为聊天消息中的可单击链接, which can be used to collect credentials, if a不her meeting participant clicks on the link.

    然而, when you follow the meeting recommendations above,恶意参与者参与会议并提供带有精心设计的UNC路径的文本的可能性非常低.

    Zoom released a fix for the UNC link issue on April 1, 并且将所有的开发工作都用于隐私和安全问题.

    Zoom正在识别和解决每个新软件版本的漏洞. ODU is deploying the latest version on 所有 ODU-managed devices.

    Update your personal device to the latest version of Zoom at 变焦.我们/下载.

    While most email providers are exempt from this feature, Zoom将一些较小的电子邮件提供商的电子邮件地址视为属于同一家公司, 这意味着他们可以查看使用同一电子邮件提供商的其他人的帐户信息.


    It's very rare that you would run into this issue, but you can request a domain be blacklisted through Zoom's support page.

    数字权利倡导组织Access Now发表了一封致Zoom的公开信,呼吁这家视频会议公司发布一份透明度报告.

    当用户的信息被要求或提供给政府部门时,Zoom更新了通知用户的方式, 或因违约而暴露, 滥用, 或虐待.


    这 issue was addressed with the latest version of the inst所有er.