
社交媒体是一个与学生联系的有价值的数字工具, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 以一种互动的方式与社区互动! 最靠谱的网赌软件 supports the creation and use of University social media accounts, 前提是它们的使用是专业的, 保护大学的声誉和品牌, 与战略重点保持一致, and complies with other ODU policies as well as applicable 状态 and federal laws 法规.

所有ODU社交媒体账户都是大学的声音. Before posting anything on ODU affiliated accounts, please familiarize yourself with our guidelines.


Follow along with what's happening around ODU, by following the official University accounts.


Success in social media requires a combination of content, community building, time, and strategy . 请notify 在您创建新帐户之前,我们的办公室.  also notify us if there is a change to account managers or passwords, 更改您的帐户名称或句柄, 或者您想要关闭您的账户. 

在开始创建社交媒体形象之前, 制定战略和确定目标是至关重要的, 观众, 团队成员, 当前对话, 命名/设计元素.

  • 主要目标 & 观众定义你的社交媒体目标.g., campaign communication, department promotion) and list your primary target 观众.

  • 团队识别: Identify your account administrators (at least one primary and one secondary). 请注意:管理员必须是ODU的全职员工. 学生工作者和实习生可以提供创造性的支持. 但是,他们不能拥有该帐户的管理员权限.

  • 内容策略确定你要分享的内容类型.g., news updates, research, networking), including future content goals such as photographs 或视频. ODU帐户必须每周至少发布一次. 

  • 衡量成功 & 评价定义你如何衡量成功, 考虑工具和指标, and set timelines for regular evaluations to assess content effectiveness and potential adjustments.

  • 提交 社交媒体请求表格. 每个部门或组织一个账户申请.
  • The Assistant Director of 社交媒体 will contact you to consult on your department's social media strategy and plan.


  • 一旦请求被批准, the Assistant Director of 社交媒体 will schedule a meeting with the account administrator(s).
  • 在这次会议上, set up the new social media account and discuss strategies for content creation and engagement.


  • Share the necessary account login information (username and password) for future access and management of the account.

所有大学附属的社交媒体账号, 包括系或学院账户, 是否需要使用官方ODU社交媒体图标. 这将在账户批准后提供. While administrators have the discretion to include additional imagery such as cover or banner 照片, they must ensure compliance with image copyright laws and terms of use. 请note, administrators are prohibited from creating a separate logo.

Before using or creating additional hashtags, conduct thorough research. 检查预期的标签, 观察相关岗位, 查看被禁标签, 在将其纳入你的帖子之前要谨慎行事.

批准的标签 何时使用
# ODU  
# MonarchNation  
# ODU28

For freshman class; change the numbers for each new incoming class based on the 4-year graduation year

# 给2ODU


# ODU同学会

Show your Monarch pride and return to campus to cheer on your Monarchs!


  • 1080 x 1350 (4:5)

  • 1080 x 1080 (1:1)
  • 五4比


  • 1080 x 1920 (9:16)


  • 1080 x 1920 (9:16)


  • 1920x1080 (16:9)


  • 1128 x 191

使用 景观, a free social media image resizer tool, to optimize your 照片 for each platform.

除了ODU社交媒体政策的要求, all content and posts are bound by the Terms and 社区 Guidelines for that service. Each social media platform has specific community guidelines outlining what is acceptable and appropriate for posting on each account. The University cannot report inappropriate usage and/or abuse of social media on behalf of students. However, students may report violations directly to the platform in question.


If a student feels they have been treated inappropriately on 脸谱网, 他们可以通过进入他们的“设置”来“阻止”用户," selecting "Blocking" and entering the users name under "Block 使用rs." Students may also report a user by going to the user's 脸谱网 profile and selecting "Report."

An offensive post may also be reported by going to the left-hand corner of the post in question and selecting "Report post."


To report an inappropriate post that does not follow Instagram's community guidelines, 学生应按[...] on the post and select "Report Inappropriate" they will then be prompted to follow the on-screen instructions.

如欲举报不适宜张贴的资料,请选择[...] then select "Report Inappropriate" or "Report for Spam," then follow on-screen instructions.


有几种方法可以报告X上的违规行为. Students may report individual tweets, media or profiles that they find inappropriate. To report a tweet or media, click the "More icon" then select "Block" or "Report." To report a profile for a violation, click the "gear icon" and select "Block" or "Report."

发布和转发包含敏感数据的评论, 机密信息, 不敬的言语, 攻击, 威胁, spamming of repeated comments or other inappropriate material are not appropriate and may be blocked from the page.



  • 对内容有良好的判断力,并尊重隐私法. Do not to include 机密信息 about the ODU, its 工作人员, or its students.
  • 您不得发布任何具有威胁性的内容, 淫秽, 违反知识产权或隐私法的行为, 或者其他伤害或非法的行为.
  • Representation of your personal opinions as being endorsed by the University or any of its organizations is strictly prohibited. You may not use the ODU name to promote any opinion, product, cause, or political candidate. 
  • 通过在任何社交媒体网站上发布内容, you agree that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to that content or that your use of the content is protected under fair use guidelines. 除了, 您不得故意提供误导或虚假信息, and you indemnify and hold the University harmless for any claims resulting from the content.
  • While ODU does not regularly review content posted to all officially recognized social media sites, 它有权以任何理由删除任何内容, 包括但不限于, 它认为具有威胁性的内容, 淫秽, 违反知识产权或隐私法的行为, 或者其他伤害或非法的行为.
  • When using or posting online material that includes direct or paraphrased quotes, 的想法, 的想法, 照片, 或视频, 尽可能包括引文. Provide a link to the original material if possible and/or applicable.
  • Do not use information and/or engage in activities that may violate local, 状态, 或者联邦法律, 法规.