
The 研究生 Society for 国际研究 (GSIS) seeks to create greater unity among graduate students in international studies through academic and professional opportunities; connections to faculty, ODU管理员, 学生会, and the community; and fellowship among students in the 研究生 Program for 国际研究.

It bears highlighting that every student enrolled in the 研究生 Program in 国际研究 at ODU is automatically a member of GSIS.

We envision the GSIS as a common forum for its members serving three broad functions: social interaction, academic/professional enhancement and community outreach. As an academic/professional society, GSIS will work as a conduit to the GPIS faculty. We will hold interaction programs where members can engage with the professors informally

Finally, as a community organization, GSIS would provide outreach to the larger ODU community. We envision participating in community activities in the University and the area, co-hosting of social events with other organizations and advocating for better support for graduate students. GSIS would also serve as the link between current students and our valued alumni. 最后, we once again thank all the members for your support and look forward to your participation in our events and activities. We hope you will provide feedback and offer us new ideas to pursue in the future.

This is your Society and only your engagement will make it stronger and more effective in the future. 如果你还没有,请加入GSIS小组 脸谱网 也可以访问我们的 website. And please feel free to email any of us or talk to us in person anytime.



Iryna is a third year PhD Student with a major concentration in Conflict and Cooperation and minor in U.S. 外交政策. 在她空闲的时候, Iryna enjoys reading, yoga, creating arts, and nature.

Newzaira is a third year PhD Student with a major concentration in Conflict and Cooperation and minor in Cultural Studies. Newzaira is a Clinical Social Worker in the State of Virginia. 要查看她的一些作品,你可以访问: http://www.thesalaaminitiative.com/ .

Mel is a second year PhD Student with a major concentration in Cultural Studies and minor in Comparative & 区域研究. Mel is a 23-year veteran of the Navy, and Clinical Social Worker.

Bolu is a second year PhD Student with a major concentration in 国际 Political Economy & 开发和辅修建模和仿真. Bolu enjoys reading, meeting with people, nature and listening to music.

Vera is a second year PhD Student with a concentration in Comparative and Regional studies and minor in Cultural Studies. She currently works at the General District Courts for the Commonwealth of Virginia. Her hobbies consist of traveling, cooking, and binge-watching films.

Stephanie is a second year PhD Student with a concentration in Comparative & 区域研究,辅修文化研究. Stephanie works for the Asian Studies Institute at ODU. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢唱卡拉ok,玩网络游戏, 学习新语言, 和她的两只猫玩.


Provides leadership for the chapter; Provides communication with the faculty, 社区内的联络点. Acts as the official representative of the organization at campus and community events; Plans and conducts chapter meetings.

Provides management of staff activities by coordinating staff functions, and staff development. Ensures that staff members carry out assigned duties; b. Keeps the chapter's alumni informed of the chapter's activities. Actively encourages active membership in the organization 校友会. Serves as the Chapter Parliamentarian and ensures that meetings are conducted according to the guidelines
of Robert's Rules of Order-Newly Revised when necessary.

Maintains files/records of written correspondence and communications; Publishes minutes of meetings; Coordinates the chapter's electronic communications (e-mail and web site); Maintains an organization alumni directory; Submits articles to the GPIS Bulletin; Serves as the organization's historian.

Leads development of the organization budget and chairs the fund-raising committee; Manages organization finances and provides financial updates to the membership; Coordinates travel arrangements for organizational staff (if funded by the chapter).

Coordinates the chapter's electronic communications (GSIS 脸谱网 page and 脸谱网 group
page with timely announcements on upcoming events and meetings.)为所有人制作传单

Establish and facilitate the efficient execution of ongoing academic and social events that the
GPIS/GSIS community can engage in on a consistent basis. 确保事件与
SGA 10点和标准. 所有事件的安全空间.