Affiliate Accounts

There are some cases in which non-employees (not paid by ODU's HR department) need access to University services. These people may be external employees like 研究 Foundation or Aramark staff, vendors or contractors. When the request for an account is approved, they are issued a University ID Number (UIN) and have access to directory services.

Requesting an Affiliate Account

Affiliate accounts must be requested by an employee who already has a MIDAS account. This could be a department head or someone designated by the department hosting the affiliate, but it cannot be the affiliate personally. (Click images to enlarge.)

  1. 去 迈达斯 然后登录.

    MIDAS home screen
  2. 点击 我的账户,然后 Account Request.

  3. To start the account request, select New Affiliate 并点击 下一个.

  4. Proceed to fill out the information for the new affiliate. If this person will be associated with a specific department, enter that department's budget code. When you've entered all necessary information, click 下一个.

  5. 输入 联系 Information for anyone other than yourself that you would like notified of the account request progress. (As the requester, you will automatically receive notifications.)点击 下一个 继续.

  6. Certain services will be available to the affiliate automatically. You can request additional services if needed. As you continue to add services, they show up on the right under Selected 服务. When you have finished adding specific services, systems or accounts, click 下一个.

  7. Provide justification as to why accounts are needed, 并点击 下一个.

  8. Review services in the Account Request Summary. Make any necessary changes, 并点击 完成. Your request will be processed and submitted.