


The 历史系 can offer monetary support to three undergraduate students engaged in significant research projects in collaboration with full-time faculty members. 为期一年的项目应该以一篇论文的产生而告终, 将在春季学期结束时结束.

The paper can emerge from an upper division course offered by a professor, from a 402 historiography project in the fall which continues in the spring, or from an independent study (497) arranged between the professor and student. By October 1 the professor and student will submit to the Chair a short description of the proposed project, to be completed and submitted to the Chair by the end of the spring semester.



辐射中毒的著名案例包括镭女孩, Tokaimura的员工Hisashi Ouchi说, 美国.S. 广岛原子弹爆炸和切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸. 这些病例不仅导致大量死亡, but in some cases caused generations and the land to be affected for years to come. 虽然这些事件是可以避免的, the attempted coverup of information and unethical handling of victims made them even more tragic. The effects of radiation poisoning are traumatic both immediately and long term.

指导教师:Annette Finley-Croswhite



Building Nationalism: Germany's Use of Propaganda Posters to Unify People

My research analyzes art and propaganda to understand the development and progression of German nationalism during the Great War. 通过看宣传海报, I analyze how the German military and government wanted their people to see themselves and their military. 在整个战争期间, posters and propaganda shifted their focus from regional to national unity and from the strength of the military to generating civilian support for the troops. Building a sense of German identity became paramount to keeping civilian support for the Great War, and an in-depth evaluation of propaganda posters provides important insight into how the government created it from the ground up.

指导老师:Brett Bebber




麻风病是一种经受住了时间考验的疾病. 在世界范围内有着惊人的免疫力, and the availability of therapy that can both prevent and cure the disease, 问题是:为什么它没有被根除? This paper examines the definition, history, treatment and changing social perception of leprosy. The paper will conclude by hypothesizing that the stigma attached to the disease via historic religious texts has prevented the eradication of leprosy.

指导教师:Annette Finley-Croswhite


在19世纪后期,思想和文学运动被称为 复兴运动 横扫意大利. 意思是“再次崛起”," it was a call for Italian unification and the establishment of a national consciousness. 这次成功的运动使意大利得以统一其领土, 最终在1870年建立了一个主权国家. 尽管意大利在第一次世界大战后宣称胜利, 她的政治体系四分五裂,变得越来越充满敌意. 自由的君主制不再是意大利人民所希望的, 许多政治运动和领导人出现了. Benito Mussolini saw this as an opportunity to introduce fascism to the nation, 但他知道,他需要的不仅仅是一个政党的支持. 他认识到需要一种新的民族意识, and Fascism's ambiguous structure allowed him to mold its political ideology to fit the needs of the Italian people. 法西斯主义不仅控制了政府, but it began to sacralize symbols of the state establishing itself as the new national religion.

指导老师:Maura Hametz

'Blueshirts, Greenshirts, and the Red Scare: The Fascist Failure in Ireland'

在许多最终接受法西斯主义的国家, a strong militant Leftist faction pushed moderate conservatives into the arms of the Fascist faction. 在爱尔兰, 一个强大的左派派系从未形成, and yet for a time it seemed that a Fascist faction in alliance with moderate conservatives would come to control the country. This paper analyzes the political rise and fall of Irish General Eoin O'Duffy primarily through his leadership of the Blueshirt Movement, 后来又创立了国家企业党. It first examines the history of the Irish socialist Left from 1917 through the foundation of Saor Eire by Peadar O'Donnell in 1931, and relates the failures of the Irish Left to the centrist Irish politics of this period. 然后讨论了“蓝衫军”的特点和失败, 统一党联盟的成立和失败, and O'Duffy's turn towards international fascism in the aftermath of his exodus from Fine Gael. 最终, it concludes that the lack of a strong revolutionary Leftist faction in Ireland contributed to the failure of the Fine Gael coalition and to the failure of Irish fascism overall.

指导老师:Maura Hametz

"Lest they Should Infect the Rest: Papal Policy, Heresy and Authority in the Middle Ages"

This paper examines how the concept of heresy was manipulated by the Roman Catholic Church in order to maintain its orthodoxy and ultimately authority over Western Europe during the Middle Ages. It evaluates the growth of the Church's supremacy and links the concept and evolution of heresy with the Church's attempt to maintain both a spiritual authority and its governing power between the years of 1000 AD and 1500 AD using councils and conclave documents, 规范立法, 教皇的公牛, 田园手册, 和论文. This paper argues that as the power and authority of the church declined the concept of heresy evolved with each new faction and adversary that challenged the supremacy of the Catholic Church, 最终以巫术告终.

指导教师:Erin Jordan

“我有义务尽我所能。. 肯尼迪与争取社会正义的斗争”

罗伯特F. Kennedy had a profound impact on the course of events in 美国nited States in the 1960s as a passionate advocate for Civil Rights via his post of Attorney General. 他受到自由乘车者运动的影响, 整合密西西比大学的努力, 为非裔美国人争取投票权的斗争, 美国城市的社会不平等, 以及相关话题. His commitment and dedication to the pursuit of justice continue to inspire Americans to work to achieve a better society today.

指导教师:Austin Jersild