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教师 信息 on学术诚信 & Classroom Disruption

Recommended 教学大纲的声明

最靠谱的网赌软件致力于学生的个人和学术成功. In order to achieve this vision, 学生, 教师, 教职员工共同努力创造一个为学术探究和学习提供最佳机会的环境. All 学生 must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. 你在本课程中的工作和课堂行为必须符合学生行为准则的要求, which can be found at hc.mojahedin-enghelab.net/oscai. The following behaviors along with classroom disruptions violate this policy, corrupt the educational process, and will not be tolerated.

作弊: Using unauthorized assistance, 材料, RESEARCH艾滋病, or other information in any academic exercise.

抄袭: Using someone else's language, 的想法, 或在任何学术活动中未注明出处的其他原始材料.

制造: 在任何学术活动中捏造、更改或伪造任何数据、引文或信息.

便利: Helping another student commit, or attempt to commit, any 学术诚信 violation, 或未能向教员报告涉嫌违反学术诚信的行为.

Academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of 学生的行为 & 学术诚信和可能导致的制裁,包括从大学开除.

教学大纲的声明--PDF 教学大纲的声明-Word


  • To report an incident of academic misconduct, click on "Report an 学术诚信 Violation", which will direct you to more detailed information about reporting a violation. 请注意,提交给我们办公室的任何材料都将提供给所有参与的学生, 主要为编辑.
  • To report any other incident of alleged student misconduct, including an instance of classroom disruption, click on "Report a 学生的行为 Violation".
  • 报告任何可能对大学Community安全构成威胁的行为, please contact the Threat Education, 援助 & Management Team and visit: http://hc.mojahedin-enghelab.net/team/.
  • To report concerns regarding student wellbeing, please visit http://hc.mojahedin-enghelab.net/life/support/student-outreach and choose "Submit Concerns Regarding Student Wellbeing".
  • 请注意,所有涉及学术诚信的事件都必须报告给学生行为办公室 & 学术诚信,即使问题是由教授和学生自愿解决的.
学术诚信 Classroom Presentation 学术诚信 Classroom Handout 1 学术诚信 Classroom Handout 2

Classroom Disruption

  • The primary responsibility for managing classroom conduct resides with 教师. 在学期开始时(通过课堂讨论和教学大纲陈述)为负责任的行为建立清晰合理的期望,可以帮助教师防止课堂中断.
  • 学生必须遵守大学官员在履行其职责和范围内的合理要求. 因此, 如果学生表现出严重或实质性地破坏教学和/或学习的行为,教师可以指示学生在剩余的课堂时间内离开课堂. Should such instances occur, 教师应立即向学生行为办公室发送一份描述事件的备忘录 & 学术诚信,使学生可以考虑通过行为过程转介. (建议将要求学生离开课堂作为“最后手段”,并首先使用不那么严重的干预措施, such as: issuing a general word of caution to all 学生 about appropriate classroom conduct; a private conversation with the student after class; or a gentle, 但公司, statement asking the student to cease the disruptive behavior).
  • Progressive discipline involves communicating advanced expectations, addressing misconduct promptly, and responding in ways that are proportionate to the offense. 因此,教师应该尽早并经常在他们的课程和教学大纲中讨论期望. 不当行为应在出现时予以处理,以便在必要的最低水平上处理这种行为. 允许不可接受的行为存在而不受质疑可能会导致不当行为的重复, often with an escalated degree of severity and/or impact. 教师和学生的利益通常不符合这种延迟的对抗, 当不当行为最终被提及时,学生行为过程的教育价值可能会降低
    学生行为 & 学术诚信 for resolution.
Classroom Disruption Handout 问题 & Answers on Classroom Disruption



Classroom Disruption

Websites of Interest


  • 教师应该假设所有学生对负责任的学术行为的理解并不相同. 强烈建议教师向学生推荐适当的资源和/或花时间教育学生引用方法,以避免无意的抄袭. The Office of 学生的行为 & 学术诚信 may be called upon to assist in this effort.
  • 强烈鼓励教师就是否/何时允许在课堂内外进行合作进行明确的期望.
  • 强烈鼓励怀疑学生可能违反学术诚信的教师与学生行为办公室的工作人员协商 & 学术诚信 (OSCAI) regarding the applicability of the Code of 学生的行为, potential courses of action, and guidance on imposing appropriate sanctions. A staff member in OSCAI can be reached by calling (757) 683-3431.
  • 教师 should submit a referral to OSCAI within 10个工作日 of the alleged violation's discovery. 提交书面推荐对于大学解决违反学术诚信模式的能力至关重要, 并根据学生的整体记录决定适当的处罚.
  • No grade sanction should be assigned until the referral is finally resolved, including the process of considering the student's appeal, 如果有任何. Should the referral not be resolved prior to the end of the semester, a grade of "I" should be assigned. 在案件审理期间,教师应该允许学生继续学习他们的课程,并像往常一样对所有其他作业进行评分. 教师将收到案件最终结果的书面通知,以便分配适当的分数.
  • A note regarding incidents involving graduate 学生教员如果怀疑RESEARCH生可能违反了一项或多项学术诚信标准,应咨询学生行为办公室 & 学术诚信, as graduate 学生 are normally reviewed for suspension or expulsion, even for a first Academic integrity violation.
学术诚信 Violation Report Form
Submit an 学术诚信 Referral Online

如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系学生行为办公室 & 学术诚信 at 757-683-3431 or oscai@mojahedin-enghelab.net


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