
社交媒体是一个与学生联系的有价值的数字工具, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, and the community in an interactive way! 最靠谱的网赌软件支持创建和使用大学社交媒体帐户, provided their use is professional, protects the reputation and brand of the University, aligns with strategic priorities, 并遵守其他ODU政策以及适用的州和联邦法律法规.

All ODU social media accounts are a voice for the University. 在向ODU附属账户发布任何内容之前,请熟悉我们的指导方针.



Creating and Managing an Account

社交媒体的成功需要内容、社区建设、时间和策略的结合 . 请notify our office before you create a new account.  also notify us if there is a change to account managers or passwords, changes to your account name or handle, or if you want to close your account. 

Before diving into creating a social media presence, it's crucial to strategize and define your goals, 观众, 团队成员, current conversations, and naming/design elements.

  • 主要目标 & 观众: Define your objectives for social media (e.g.(活动沟通,部门推广),列出你的主要目标受众.

  • Team Identification识别您的帐户管理员(至少一个主要和一个辅助). 请note: Administrators must be full-time ODU employees. Student workers and interns may provide creative support. However, they cannot have administrator rights to the account.

  • 内容策略: Determine the type of content you'll share (e.g.(最靠谱的网赌软件更新,研究,网络),包括未来的内容目标,如照片或视频. ODU accounts must post at least once a week. 

  • 衡量成功 & 评价: Define how you'll measure success, considering tools and metrics, 并为定期评估设定时间表,以评估内容的有效性和潜在的调整.

  • 提交 社交媒体 Request form. One account request per department or organization.
  • 社交媒体助理总监将与您联系,就您所在部门的社交媒体战略和计划进行咨询.


  • Once the request is approved, 社交媒体助理总监将安排与账户管理员的会议。.
  • During this meeting, 建立新的社交媒体账号,讨论内容创作和参与策略.

Access Information:

  • 共享必要的帐户登录信息(用户名和密码),以便将来访问和管理帐户.

All University-affiliated social media accounts, including department or college accounts, are required to use an official ODU social media icon. This will be provided upon approval of the account. 而管理员有自由裁量权,包括额外的图像,如封面或横幅照片, 他们必须确保遵守图像版权法和使用条款. 请注意,管理员禁止创建单独的徽标.

在使用或创建其他标签之前,请进行彻底的研究. Check for the intended hashtag, observe associated posts, review banned hashtags, and exercise discretion before incorporating it into your posts.

批准的标签 何时使用
# ODU  
# MonarchNation  
# ODU28

For freshman class; change the numbers for each new incoming class based on the 4-year graduation year

# 给2ODU

Annual Day of Giving

# ODU同学会


脸谱网 and Instagram Feed

  • 1080 x 1350 (4:5)

  • 1080 x 1080 (1:1)
  • 五4比

脸谱网 and Instagram Stories

  • 1080 x 1920 (9:16)


  • 1080 x 1920 (9:16)

脸谱网 Cover and Event Header

  • 1920x1080 (16:9)


  • 1128 x 191

使用 景观,这是一个免费的社交媒体图像调整工具,可以为每个平台优化您的照片.

除了 to requirements of the ODU social media policy, 所有内容和帖子都受该服务的条款和社区指南的约束. 每个社交媒体平台都有特定的社区准则,概述了在每个账户上发布什么是可接受的和合适的. 学校不能代表学生举报社交媒体的不当使用和/或滥用行为. 然而,学生可以直接向相关平台举报违规行为.

请 read below for ways to report violations and abuse.

如果学生觉得自己在脸谱网上受到了不恰当的对待, they can "block" the user by going to their "Settings,,选择“屏蔽”,在“屏蔽用户”下输入用户名.学生也可以通过进入用户的脸谱网个人资料并选择“举报”来举报该用户."


More information on reporting a violation on 脸谱网

举报不符合Instagram社区准则的不当帖子, students should tap the [...],然后选择“举报不当行为”,他们就会被提示按照屏幕上的说明去做.

To report a profile that is posting unsuitable posts, select the [...然后选择“报告不适当”或“报告垃圾邮件”,然后按照屏幕上的说明进行操作.

More information on reporting a violation on Instagram

There are several options for reporting violations on X. 学生可以举报他们认为不合适的个人推文、媒体或个人资料. 要举报一条推文或媒体,点击“更多图标”,然后选择“阻止”或“举报”.要报告违规配置文件,请单击“齿轮图标”并选择“阻止”或“报告”."

Posting and retweeting comments that include sensitive data, confidential information, 不敬的言语, 攻击, 威胁, 垃圾邮件重复的评论或其他不适当的材料是不合适的,可能会被阻止从页面.

More information on reporting a violation on 推特

University Guidelines

  • 使用 good judgment about content and respect privacy laws. 不要包括有关ODU,其员工或学生的机密信息.
  • You may not post any content that is threatening, 淫秽, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal.
  • 严格禁止将个人意见表达为大学或其任何组织的认可. 您不得使用ODU的名称来宣传任何观点、产品、事业或政治候选人. 
  • By posting content to any social media site, 您同意您拥有或以其他方式控制该内容的所有权利,或者您对该内容的使用受合理使用指南的保护. 除了, you may not knowingly provide misleading or false information, 并且您保证大学不会因该内容而产生任何索赔.
  • 虽然ODU不会定期审查发布在所有官方认可的社交媒体网站上的内容, it shall have the right to remove any content for any reason, including but not limited to, content that it deems threatening, 淫秽, a violation of intellectual property rights or privacy laws, or otherwise injurious or illegal.
  • 当使用或发布包含直接或意译引用的在线材料时, 的想法, 的想法, 照片, 或视频, include citations whenever possible. 如果可能和/或适用,提供原始材料的链接.
  • 不要使用信息和/或从事可能违反本地规则的活动, 状态, 或者联邦法律, 法规.