
General Education 英语 courses engage students in the creation and interpretation of a variety of texts. We offer six general education courses for undergraduate students of all majors and a co-requisite writing course (ENGL 101).

All undergraduate students at ODU must take two composition (C) courses and one literature (L) course. 所有学生都参加了英语110C英语写作课程, after which they should choose the 200-level C course required or recommended by their major. Those students who do not directly place into 英格兰110 c are required to also enroll during the same semester in a composition studio course (ENGL 101).

For more information about specific General Education requirements and the General Education philosophy and objectives, 你也可以参观 ODU目录. For more information about major requirements and recommendations, view the 课程设置表.

英格兰110 c. 英语作文. 3学分. The principal objective of the course is to prepare students to be effective 作家 of the kinds of compositions they will be called on to produce during their college careers. 在课程结束时, students should be more mature in their understanding and use of language, 应该发展有效的写作过程吗, and should know and demonstrate the qualities of effective composition in a given 修辞al situation and should be able to demonstrate those qualities in their own writing. 先决条件:考试成绩达到3分 写作成功定位工具(WSPT).

英语211C:写作、修辞和研究. To foster dynamic transfer into major-level writing courses, this course emphasizes 学术 literacy and the skills necessary to decode and understand the writing process, the 写作的基本修辞原则, and the research process and how they adapt to shifting requirements of audience, 主题, 和上下文. It is recommended that students take this course in their sophomore year. Prerequisites: 英格兰110 c with a grade of C or higher.

ENGL 231C: Writing, 修辞, and 研究: Special Topics. engl211c写作的特别主题部分, 修辞, and 研究 that is recommended for specific populations of students according to discipline, 工作场所, 或者其他共同的目的. This course emphasizes 学术 literacy and the skills necessary to decode and understand the writing process, 写作的基本修辞原则, 和研究, with a focus on the expectations of specific audience/s and in response to emerging 修辞al situations, thus fostering dynamic transfer into future work. The themes of these sections will be more fully described in information distributed to 学术 advisors. It is recommended that students take this course in their sophomore year. Prerequisites: 英格兰110 c with a grade of C or higher.

问题 关于通识教育作文? 联系 the Director of General Education Composition, Jenn Sloggie (jsloggie@mojahedin-enghelab.net).

英语112升. 文学概论. 3学分. This course enables the general student to interpret the distinctive forms and meanings of poems, 戏剧, 短篇小说和长篇小说, 还有一些关键的概念,比如隐喻, 转喻, 独白, 具有讽刺意味的, 讽刺, 还有情节和种族, 性别, 性, class, 地区, 和宗教. 通过批判性阅读, 分析, 课堂和小组讨论, 正式论文和考试, students will develop an understanding of strategies of language use in a variety of Anglophone 作家.

英语114升. 美国作家,美国经历. 3学分. This course introduces the student to the diversity of American culture as depicted in American literature. Works include minority and women 作家 and provide visions of city, frontier and 地区al life; ethnic and racial immigrant experiences; religion, 民主, 和资本主义. A student with credit for ENGL 144L cannot receive credit for ENGL 114L.

问题 关于通识教育文献? 联系 the Director of General Education Literature, Laura Buchholz (lbuchhol@mojahedin-enghelab.net).

ENGL 101: Composition Studio and 写位置. 3学分. 英语101写作工作室 is an immersive study of writing, 修辞, and composing concepts and strategies designed to complement and extend the 英语 110C curriculum. 英语101提供额外的指导, 指导实践, and support as 作家 learn to successfully compose and revise in multiple genres for multiple purposes and audiences and navigate university literacy expectations.

  • * Prerequisite: A score of 1 on the 写作成功定位工具(WSPT) or an override from the Director of 写位置 支持.
  • *与engl110c共同注册/必修课程, which means that students take ENGL 101 and 英格兰110 c at the same time.
  • * Students who place into ENGL 101 will sign up for both courses through ENGL 101.

Learn how students are placed into 英语 composition courses