Political Science & 地理位置


7020 BATTEN ARTS & 信
NORFOLK, 23529

Ph.D. in 地理位置, University of 北卡罗莱纳 at Chapel Hill, (1995)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

艾伦,T. "A 社区-wide Pub 健康 Assessment of Vulnerable H20 Infrastructure Coast Cities" $36,233. Higher 教育. September 1, 2016 - June 30, 2018
艾伦,T. 麦克劳德,G. "March Habitat Classification Synthesis for Southern Coastal" $38,000. 联邦. August 14, 2017 - December 31, 2017
艾伦,T.阿尔伯特,T. E. 麦克劳德,G. "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVS) for coastal resources and hazards" $8,985. 联邦. May 16, 2017 - December 31, 2017
艾伦,T. 麦克劳德,G. "Geospatial Analysis of Urban-Rural Flooding" $30,000. 商业. August 24, 2017 - October 31, 2017


Spatial Analysis, Cartography
Geomorphology, Meteorology, Coastal and Marine, Biogeography
Estuaries, Coastal Geogrmophology, Sea Level Rise
Land Use/Land Cover Change, Biophysical Sensing, Coastal 遥感


艾伦,T.克劳福德,T。.蒙兹,B.怀特黑德,J.,洛夫莱斯,S.汉克斯,A. D.., Christensen, A. R.. 科尔尼,G. D.. (2019). Linking Water Infrastructure, 公共卫生, and Sea Level Rise: Integrated Assessment of Flood 弹性 in Coastal Cities. Public Works Management \& 政策 24 (1) , pp. 110-139.
洛夫蒂斯J. 德里克。.米切尔,M.阿特金森,L. P.哈林顿,B.艾伦,T.福雷斯特,D.厄普代克,T.纽约州塔维尔达里.贝卡尔特,D. 布什内尔,M. (2018). Integrated Ocean, 地球, and Atmospheric Observations for 弹性 Planning in Hampton Roads, 维吉尼亚州. MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOURNAL 52 (2) , pp. 68-83.
格里芬,米. T.., Edwards, James Dean, Jr. 艾伦,T。. (2016). Coastal Impervious Cover and Watershed Scale: Implications for Environmental Management, New Hanover County, 北卡罗莱纳. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOSPATIAL RESEARCH 7 (1) , pp. 45-62.
艾伦,T. 霍华德,R. (2015). Improving Low-Relief Coastal LiDAR DEMs with Hydro-Conditioning of Fine-Scale and Artificial Drainages. FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 3.
Cleckner H. 艾伦,T。. (2014). Dasymetric Mapping and Spatial 建模 of Mosquito Vector Exposure, Chesapeake, 维吉尼亚州, USA. ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION 3 (3) , pp. 891-913.

Conference Proceeding

曼达岛,. K.欧文斯,J. E. 艾伦,T。. (2017). Simulating marine and groundwater inundation on a barrier island setting under changing sea-level rise scenarios Abstracts with 项目 - Geological Society of America,.
  • 2018: Special Achievement in 地理信息系统, Esri
  • 2015: 教师 Member of the Year, Center for Sustainability (ECU)
  • 2010: Centennial Award for Outstanding 服务, East Carolina University
  • 2003: 维吉尼亚州 Scholar Award, 维吉尼亚州 Social Science Association
  • 2003: Fulbright Scholar Award, US Fulbright Foundation
  • 1996: Esri Award for Best Scientific Paper, Esri
  • 1994: Ta Liang Memorial Award, American Society for Photogrammetry and 遥感