数学 & 统计数据

Raymond Cheng

2128年同上 & 综合科学大厦
诺福克 , 23529年

Ph.D. in 数学, University of 维吉尼亚州, (1989)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

"访问ing Fellow, Center for Theoretical Sciences. 1994 -
"Instructional Development Mini-Grant. 1993 -
"President's Young Investigator Award. 1992 -
"访问ing Fellow, Center for Stochastic Processes. 1992 -
"Dean's Professional Activity Initiative. 1991 -
"Dean's Professional Activity Initiative. 1989 -
"Commonwealth Fellow, 维吉尼亚州 State Council of Higher 教育. 1988 -
"National Science Foundation 研究生 Fellow. 1985 - 1988


Functional Analysis, Prediction Theory


程,R. 费尔德,C. (2022). On the geometry of the multipliers on $\ell^p_A$. 9 , pp. 41-52.
程,R. (2022). On the prediction of p-stationary processes. 85 , pp. 481-505.
程,R.罗斯,W. 和塞科,D. (2022). Zeros of optimal polynomial approximants in $\ell^p_A$. 404.
程,R. Xu, Y. (2020). Minimum norm interpolation in the $\ell_1$ space. 分析与应用 Special Issue on 数学 of Data Science.
程,R.罗斯,W. T.. 麦什雷吉,J. (2020). Inner vectors for Toeplitz operators. Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory.
程,R. 德拉加斯,J. (2019). A Blaschke sequence that fails to be a zero set for $\ell^p_A$. Proceedings of the 美国数学学会.
程,R.罗斯,W. T.. 麦什雷吉,J. (2019). Inner functions and zero sets for $\ell^p_A$. Transactions of the 美国数学学会.
程,R. 德拉加斯,J. (2019). On the failure of canonical factorization in $\ell^p_A$. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications 479 , pp. 1939-1955.
程,R. (2018). Convergence of the best linear predictor of a stationary Gaussian random field. Journal of Fourier 分析与应用 24 , pp. 1-22.
程,R.马什雷吉,J. 罗斯,W。. (2018). Optimal weak parallelogram constants for L^p. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications 21 , pp. 1047-1058.
程,R.罗斯,W. 麦什雷吉,J. (2017). Birkhoff-James orthogonality and the zeros of an analytic function. Computational Methods and Function Theory 17 , pp. 499-523.
程,R. (2017). An elementary approach to optimal discrete-time search strategies. 序列分析 36 , pp. 541-552.
程,R.罗斯,W. 麦什雷吉,J. (2017). 序列空间的乘数. 混凝土操作,特刊 4 (1) , pp. 76-108.
程,R. 罗斯,W。. T.. (2016). An inner-outer factorization in \ell^p with applications to ARMA processes. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications 437 , pp. 396-418.
程,R. 哈里斯,C。. (2015). Mixed norm spaces and prediction of SaS moving averages. 时间序列分析杂志 36 , pp. 853-875.
程,R. (2015). Prediction of stationary random fields with incomplete quarterplane past. 多变量分析杂志 139 , pp. 245-258.
程,R. 罗斯,W。. T.. (2015). Weak parallelogram laws on Banach spaces and applications to prediction. 匈牙利数学杂志 71 , pp. 45-58.
程,R. (2014). Sequential search beats two-parameter search. 序列分析 33 , pp. 1-11.
程,R.苏伯特,S. M.. 和维格曼博士. D.. (2014). Mate choice and the evolutionary stability of a fixed threshold in a sequential search strategy. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 10 , pp. 8-11.
程,R. 哈里斯,C。. B.. (2013). Duality of the weak parallelogram laws on banach spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications 404 , pp. 64-70.
程,R.迈阿密,A. G.. 和M . Pourahmadi. (2003). On the geometry of L^p(mu) with applications to infinite variance processes. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 74 , pp. 35-42.
程,R.迈阿密,A. G.. 和M . Pourahmadi. (2000). Regularity and minimality of infinite variance processes. Journal of Theoretical Probability 13 , pp. 1115-1122.
程,R. 霍德雷,C. (1999). On the prediction of some Lp random fields. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 67 , pp. 31-50.
程,R.迈阿密,A. G.. 和M . Pourahmadi. (1998). L^p(w)中的几个极值问题. Proceedings of the 美国数学学会 126 , pp. 2333-2340.
程,R.金奇,L. F..B. R..拉尔森,L. M.. 麦克法登,R. B.. (1998). 什么时候f^{-1} = 1/f?. 美国数学月刊 105 , pp. 704-717.
程,R. 克鲁兹,L. 彼得. (1997). Hardy spaces on products of halfplanes and prediction of homogeneous random fields. Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 16 , pp. 519-542.
程,R. 和M . Pourahmadi. (1997). Prediction with incomplete past and interpolation of missing values. 统计数据 and Probability 信 33 , pp. 341-346.
程,R. (1997). Some Banach spaces of analytic functions and an extremal problem. 数学分析 23.
程,R. (1995). Analytic range functions of several variables. 加拿大数学杂志 41 , pp. 462-473.
程,R. (1994). On the structure of shift-invariant subspaces of L^2(T^2,mu). Rocky Mountain Journal of 数学 24 , pp. 1307-1317.
程,R. (1994). Outer factorization of operator valued weight functions on the torus. 皆Mathematica 110 , pp. 235-246.
程,R. 苏伯特,S. M.. (1994). 弱外多项式. 密歇根数学杂志 41 , pp. 235-245.
程,R. 和M . Pourahmadi. (1993). Baxer's inequality and convergence of finite predictors for multivariate stationary processes. Probability Theory and Related Fields 95 , pp. 115-124.
程,R. (1993). The mixing rate of a multivariate stationary process. Journal of Theoretical Probability 6 , pp. 603-617.
程,R. (1993). The spectral measure of regular stationary random field with the weak or strong commutation property. 概率年鉴 21 , pp. 1263-1274.
程,R. (1992). A strong mixing condition for second-order stationary random fields. 皆Mathematica 101 , pp. 139-153.
程,R. (1992). Holder classes of vector valued functions and convergence of the best predictor. 多变量分析杂志 42 , pp. 110-129.
程,R. (1992). On the prediction error for two-parameter stationary random fields. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 46 , pp. 167-175.
程,R. (1992). On the rate of strong mixing in stationary Gaussian random fields. 皆Mathematica 101 , pp. 183-191.
程,R. (1992). Rational spectral densities and strong mixing. 多变量分析杂志 42 , pp. 267-283.
程,R. (1992). Weakly and strongly outer functions on the bidisc. 密歇根数学杂志 39 , pp. 99-109.
程,R. 和小特雷菲尔., J. S.. (1985). Moving material into space without rockets. 物理老师 23 , pp. 85-90.

程,R.马什雷吉,J. 罗斯,W。. T.. (2020). Function Theory and $\ell^p$ Spaces. 美国数学学会.
程,R. (2007). Practical Chess Exercises: 600 Lessons from Tactics to Strategy. Wheatmark.


程,R.罗斯,W. T.. 麦什雷吉,J. (2019). Inner functions in reproducing kernel spaces Analysis of Operators on Function Spaces Birkhauser.


程,R. 费尔德,C. (2022). On interpolation by functions in $\ell^p_A$ Proceedings of the 自动对盘及成交系统 Special Session on Recent Progress in Function Theory and Operator Theory 自动对盘及成交系统.


程,R. (2015年4月11日). Introduction to Mathematical Typesetting with LaTeX Oral Presentation SIAM Math Awareness Conference Norfolk, 维吉尼亚州.
程,R. (2015年1月23日). 数两遍! Keynote/Plenary Address Mu Alpha Theta Induction Ceremony 维吉尼亚州 Beach.