By Joe Garvey

For Samiyyah Bashir-Davis, 她听从了祖母的一些建议,这为她的学术生涯带来了最有意义的经历之一.

Bashir-Davis, a junior criminal justice major, 在今年冬天的弗吉尼亚州议会立法会议期间担任实习生, which was held from January through March, 作为最靠谱的网赌软件大会实习计划的一部分.

“I learned so, so much,” Bashir-Davis said. “我认为这是我在45天里学到的最多的东西.”

Bashir-Davis, 谁是ODU学生政府协会的参议院议长, 去年秋天,当她在爱尔兰之家宿舍的电梯里看到传单时,她才知道了这个项目. At first, “I didn’t think anything about it,” she said, but applied at the urging of one of her professors, Philip Mann.

“He’s one of my biggest mentors,” she said. “He said, ‘Just do it.’”

Mann, who had Bashir-Davis in his Law and the Criminal Justice class, wrote a letter of recommendation.

Students in front of state Capitol

From left, Randy Norman ’23, Samiyyah Bashir-Davis ’24, 24岁的维多利亚·艾伦和23岁的乔治·耶茨三世在2023年大会期间在州议会大厦实习.

“Ms. 在一个大约35人的班级里,巴希尔是我最好的学生之一. “她认真,勤奋,好奇,并致力于学习材料. 在追求职业生涯的过程中,她显然想要出类拔萃,并且有着强烈而值得称赞的抱负.”

Once she was accepted into the program, 有一个问题是,她将被分配给哪些立法委员. 去年12月,国会议员及其助手在布罗德里克餐厅(Broderick Dining Commons)举行了一次情况介绍会.

That’s where her grandmother’s advice paid off.

巴希尔-戴维斯说:“那天早上,我的祖母告诉我,要确保我把我的履历打印出来。. “And I said, ‘Why? I’m already in. What’s the point?’ She said, ‘Just bring it.’”

At the orientation, Bashir-Davis met Del. Jackie Hope Glass, who represents the 89th District in Norfolk.

“After we went to a little lunch break, I slipped my résumé to her legislative assistant and I said, ‘I would be elated to work for Del. Glass,’” Bashir-Davis said. “The rest was history.”


General Assembly beginning Jan. 11. 大学大会实习计划于2004年8月成立, and the first intern was hired in January 2005. Since then, 100 interns have participated in the program. The internships are full-time, paid positions, 学生们住在州议会大厦旁边的一家酒店里. The program is supported by an ongoing special grant from ODU's Educational Foundation.

Student poses with Virginia First Lady

ODU立法实习生Sheyla Daniels(23岁)与第一夫人Suzanne S. Youngkin in the Executive Mansion.

Stephanie Harron是ODU战略运营和政府关系的执行助理,也是大会实习计划的协调员.

“大会实习计划为学生提供了一个了解和理解立法过程的机会,因为它发生在联邦国会大厦的中心,” Harron said. “这段实习经历不仅对一个人的职业生涯有积极的影响, 同时也为从ODU毕业后的专业网络和未来就业提供了机会.”

巴希尔-戴维斯负责选民服务,并最终负责谷歌眼镜的社交媒体账户. 她说,她制作的一个Instagram视频——一卷格拉斯的服装——获得了1.4万次观看.

“我想这真的引起了她的注意——对新一代来说,在社交媒体上露面是多么重要,” said Bashir-Davis, 谁现在是格拉斯今年竞选连任的公关经理.

Bashir-Davis, who also worked with Sen. Lynwood Lewis, 承认每周工作40小时,同时在线上三门课是一个挑战. 但近距离观察立法过程是有启发的.

“Being in the room where it happens, 它让我从不同的角度看待政治和我们的政治体系,” she said. “These are real people with families, and things happen. These are not just characters on TV. We’re all just human beings trying to figure this out together.”

Randy Norman, 主修政治学的大四学生,辅修刑事司法, interned with Del. Barry Knight, chair of the appropriations committee, Del. Jay Leftwich and Sen. Bill DeSteph. Norman echoed Bashir-Davis’ sentiments.

“看到如何为弗吉尼亚联邦制定有效的预算是很有趣的,” he said. “为Leftwich工作也是一段奇妙的经历,因为他是众议院一般法律的主席. 看到共和党人和民主党人在重要问题上共同努力,并就一些最两极分化的政治话题进行辩论,这是一次具有启发性的经历.”

Victoria Allen, 主修国际关系的大三学生,辅修西班牙语, interned with Dels. Nadarius Clark and Kelly Convirs-Fowler.  She attended Assembly meetings and rallies, 协助整理文件,处理支持法案和决议的文件.

“我的代表和大会工作人员的善良精神鼓励和鼓舞了我,让我无畏并渴望创造改变, be myself and follow my heart,” she said. “这是一次难忘的经历,为我奠定了未来重要生活技能所需的基础.”

ODU的其他实习生是乔治·耶茨三世(George Yates III),他是市场营销专业的大四学生,曾与Sens共事. Mamie Locke and L. 路易斯·卢卡斯和希拉·丹尼尔斯,她是国际/全球研究专业的大三学生,曾与戴尔共事. Glenn Davis and DeSteph.

巴希尔-戴维斯曾在诺福克联邦副检察官辛西娅·D. Collard last fall, wants to be a prosecuting attorney. She’s weighing which law schools to apply to next year.


“I’m so grateful to ODU for this,” she said. “So, so grateful.”

有意担任2024年1月开始的2024年大会实习计划的立法实习生? Visit the General Assembly Internship website or contact Harron at or 757-683-3156.

Pictured above: “Being in the room where it happens, 它让我从不同的角度看待政治和我们的政治体系,” said Samiyyah Bashir-Davis, a junior criminal justice major. Photo Chuck Thomas/ODU