Sherry DiBari著

最靠谱的网赌软件's Center for 全球 健康 (CGH) is working on a new project with Physicians for Peace (PFP), a Norfolk-based nonprofit whose mission is to improve surgical care worldwide.

The latest collaboration includes two projects led by 莱斯利·霍格伦德, 前PFP监测和评估主任. She recently joined ODU as a clinical assistant professor.

霍格伦德说, the goal of the first project is to evaluate previous monitoring and evaluation indicators, data collection and reporting processes focused on "increasing quality surgical care and volume in low- and middle-income countries."

“这个项目将有助于理解其中的关联, 可行性, and usefulness of indicators and processes to determine their impact,霍格伦补充道. "The results of the project will help PFP decide which monitoring and evaluation activities to continue and where to expand going forward."

The second project is an assessment to identify what program and clinical data are available for collection and reporting from the pediatric intensive care unit at the Mercy James Centre (MJC) for Paediatric Surgery and Intensive Care in Malawi.

Goals for this project are "to establish what additional capacity may be needed for training and to better operationalize monitoring and evaluation in Malawi,霍格伦说.

Data reviewed by Hoglund will lead to a qualitative evaluation study of PFP's training and resource investments. This is critical given the absence of international medical educators onsite at MJC due to COVID-19.

研究结果将揭示PFP手术的影响, 急救护理, anesthesia health systems and sustainability programs at MJC.

Physicians for Peace lauded the project on social media.

"We're excited about our new collaboration with ODU," the post said. "Students will assess and impact our work to improve access to safe surgical care."

然而,ODU与PFP的关系并不新鲜. Over the past 20 years, they have partnered on numerous multidisciplinary projects.

"最靠谱的网赌软件 and Physicians for Peace 分享 an enduring and productive relationship in global health with multiple partners in our local communities and around the globe in the Dominican Republic, 尼加拉瓜, 危地马拉, 海地, 印度, 比如菲律宾和土耳其,Muge Akpinar-Elci说, 全息导演. ”在一起, 他们合作过无数的节目, 服务, education and research initiatives in their pursuit to 'teach one, 治愈许多.'"

Previous Physicians for Peace collaborations include establishment of the "Walking Free" program, which partnered with ODU's physical therapy department to help rehabilitate people with physical limitations.

教师 also partnered with PFP to establish the first dental hygiene educational program in Central America at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de 尼加拉瓜 in Leon, 尼加拉瓜.

通过资源母亲方案, nursing and physical therapy 学生 worked in interprofessional teams with PFP to provide perinatal health education in the Dominican Republic.

工作人员 at Physicians for Peace and ODU's Center for 全球 健康 also have an interconnected history.

In 2012, 雪莱Mishoe, 健康科学学院前院长, 建立了全球卫生中心. The center's mission was to "positively impact the health and well-being of populations through collaborations with faculty, 学生, 社区和合作伙伴."

The task force to establish the CGH included former Physicians for Peace president and CEO Brig. 根. 这个已经. He later became the founding chair of the center's advisory board.

Likewise, Mishoe served on the PFP board of directors from 2012 until 2018.

Muge Akpinar-Elci, professor and chair of ODU's School of 社区 & Environmental 健康, became the center's director in 2013.

从那时起, Akpinar-Elci has nurtured the relationships with Physicians for Peace to move forward on new initiatives.

"The collaboration provides 学生 with the opportunity to develop work experience and community engagement skills as well as enhance their organizational and interpersonal skills,阿克皮纳尔-埃尔奇说. “作为全球卫生中心, we are committed to positively impacting the health and well-being of communities through collaborations among our partners. We're very much looking forward to continue and strengthening our partnership with PFP."


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