文/ Tiffany Whitfield

A first-year Master of Science student in biological sciences has already been recognized as "outstanding" by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

今年春天, 艾拉DiPetto received an NSF 研究生 研究 Fellowship, an award that recognizes outstanding graduate students in the sciences. 该奖学金包括三年的财政支持, 包括每年的津贴, 总计138美元,000 to support recipients while they conduct their research. The award is given to students with potential for significant research achievements in STEM. DiPetto was ranked in the top 15% of more than 13,000 applicants from across the United States.

迪佩托在埃里克·沃尔特斯的实验室工作, where studies of a wide range of topics in ecology and evolution pertaining to bird species and communities around the world are conducted.

"I am humbled and proud to have helped Ella achieve this major accomplishment,沃尔特斯说。, biological sciences associate professor and director of the department's zoological museum. "Being awarded an NSF 研究生 研究 Fellowship is one of the highest honors a graduate student can achieve and being awarded a fellowship worth $138,000 is a message to Ella that the NSF panelists believe in her ability to significantly contribute to our nation's research, 科学教学与创新. 这对我们的生物学项目是一大福音, showing that we can attract some of the best students in the nation."

Walters strongly values having his students apply for grants right from the start of their research.

"There have been times where I am actively writing two or three grants at the same time,迪佩托说. "It has helped me so much not only in improving my writing but in developing my research ideas. 这些拨款是否小,是否地方性, 全州或全国, there are so many organizations out there that want to support emerging scientists in their work."

迪佩托的努力得到了回报, resulting in eight additional grants from a variety of sources to fund her research looking at how birds and mammals are using created oyster reefs along coastal properties.

Artificial oyster reefs are restoration structures that prevent coastal erosion as well as bolster native oyster populations, 这是历史数字的一小部分.

"A large portion of previous grant funds have gone to the purchasing of wildlife game trail cameras, which I am using to monitor these oyster reefs at 10 sites in southeastern Virginia,迪佩托说.

These cameras allow for continuous day and night monitoring, 使用延时摄影,每分钟拍摄一张照片. The large amount of data she is collecting will provide baseline data on species composition, diversity and behavior of birds and mammals along these restored structures compared to unrestored natural shorelines.

DiPetto has professional experience with camera monitoring and oyster restoration. She spent three years working for South Carolina's Department of Natural 资源 after receiving her bachelor's degree in wildlife conservation from Virginia Tech.

"ODU just seemed like the perfect fit; this kind of work combines my experience and passion for both coastal and avian conservation,迪佩托说. “我很幸运能在沃尔特斯实验室工作. Students are encouraged to create unique research projects that fit their interests."

除了她的学习, DiPetto plans to work with youth in underrepresented areas of Hampton Roads to teach them about STEM research. She also wants to show how women can be role models in conservation and restoration science.

DiPetto appreciates the support of her graduate committee at ODU, 以及资助她研究的组织.

"I'm excited to be able to put my full attention into my research, a comfort that unfortunately isn't given to all graduate students,她说. "I am excited to work together with the community to provide new insight on how effective coastal restoration measures are at providing ecological benefits to faunal communities."

除了国家科学基金会的奖项, here is a list of the other grants/awards she has earned since she started at ODU in August 2021:

  • 弗吉尼亚海岸野生动物天文台学生资助
  • Hampton Roads Sanitation District Environmental Improvement Award
  • 北颈奥杜邦学会学生研究补助金
  • 最靠谱的网赌软件毕业生暑期奖
  • 最靠谱的网赌软件Paul W. 柯克小. 湿地研究奖
  • 弗吉尼亚专业土壤科学协会. 尼科尔森纪念奖学金
  • 弗吉尼亚鸟类学会保护基金
  • 华盛顿生物学家野外俱乐部学生补助金


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