绘画 & 画

这幅画 and 画 program supports the investigation of various methods, forms and histories of 绘画 and 画 in addition to the spaces these modes occupy in the contemporary sphere. Students begin their studies with a thorough grounding in the skills required to successfully engage the traditions and contemporary practices of 绘画 and 画. Initial coursework provides students strong technical, perceptual and visualization skills through a comprehensive and rigorous Foundations and Studio Core curriculum; gaining material handling competencies of both 绘画 and 画 media. Intermediate coursework includes a review and expansion of these competencies with exploration into the expressive potential of 绘画 and 画 through thematically-driven projects. Advanced coursework provides students the tools to develop individual bodies of work exploring individualized preferred concepts, 主题, 技术, 和媒体.

绘画 and 画 students are recognized as artists and are treated as such; their individual voices are vital to the learning experience cultivated within the program. 绘画 and 画 students generate artworks that position them for success in today's competitive market. At the conclusion of their studies, 绘画 and 画 students are capable of creating works of personal pursuit that display an understanding of the historical and contemporary contexts of art making. 另外, students will have obtained a high level of technical facility, knowledge of professional practice standards, as well as an appreciation for the limitless possibilities of their creativity and the multitude of tools at their disposal.

The 绘画 and 画 faculty review portfolio submissions from every student wishing to enter the 绘画 and 画 major. The portfolio consists of artwork created during each student's preliminary studio coursework. This process assures that students are on the right track to advance into upper-level 绘画 and 画 courses where students explore and develop individualized concepts, 主题, 技术, 和媒体. Application reviews occur each semester with due dates on November 1 during the Fall semester and April 1 during the Spring semester.

绘画 and 画 students are required to complete a course entitled "Senior Show" during their final year of study. The course focuses on the final development of each student's aesthetic vision and studio practice; culminating in a finished, 会展精品工程. The course also addresses professional installation, 促销活动, and documentation of finished work, concluding with a group exhibition in the Baron and Ellin 戈登艺术画廊.

Special events such as exhibitions of both historic and contemporary art, on-campus visits and critiques with professional artists, as well as scholarly programs enriches the 绘画 & 绘画学生经历. Just across the street from the art department are the Baron and Ellin 戈登艺术画廊 and down the street is the brand new 巴里艺术博物馆. These facilities assure that students are only a hop, 跳过, and a jump away from impressive collections of both contemporary and historic 艺术, 工艺品, 和设计.

The bright and spacious 绘画 and 画 classrooms are housed in brand new facilities in the Barry 艺术 building and provide students the equipment necessary to produce their work comfortably and safely. The Barry 艺术 building also houses a Mac lab and the Elise N. Hofheimer Art Library containing over 10,000册关于建筑的书籍, 雕塑, 画, 绘画, 印刷媒体, 摄影, 艺术 & 工艺品, in addition to an art reference section.

Check out student work and stay up-to-date on activities by visiting us on our social media platforms.

这幅画 & 画 faculty consists of two full-time professors and a team of devoted instructors, all of whom bring a wide array of experiences and professional achievements to the classroom. Small class sizes mean students have access to instructors who know students by name and understand each student's individualized goals. 教师 welcome prospective student questions and inquiries.

