
Policy for the Use of Non-研究 Related 志愿者s

  • 负责监督执行:人力资源、多样性、公平和包容副总裁
  • 日期 of Current Revision or Creation: 2022年5月10日
  • 下载政策PDF


弗吉尼亚法典第23条.第1-1301条,经修正,授予访问委员会为该机构制定规章制度的权力. 第七节.第01(a)(6)条 访客委员会章程 授权校长执行董事会与大学运作有关的政策及程序.

代理 - Persons authorized to represent, act on behalf of, and/or bind the University.

志愿者 -如果满足以下条件,个人将被视为最靠谱的网赌软件的志愿者:

  1. 服务s are performed in support of the University's mission to include civic, 慈善, 教育, research or humanitarian reasons without promise, 期望, or receipt of compensation for services rendered.
  2. If the 志愿者 is a current University employee, 志愿服务与大学雇佣个人的职责不同,是在没有大学压力的情况下自由提供的.

注意:联邦公平劳动标准法(FLSA)规定,非豁免雇员必须为他们被要求或允许工作的所有时间获得补偿. Thus, even though non-exempt employees may 志愿者 to perform the duties for which they are employed beyond their normally scheduled hours, departments must compensate the employee for those extra hours worked.

This policy applies to all University departments and academic units.

It is the policy of 最靠谱的网赌软件 to carefully select and supervise 志愿者s. 大学的院系和学术单位可以通过使用志愿者来完成某些工作并扩大预算 代理 of the University when accepting assignments.


Selection and Supervision of 志愿者s

  1. Because the University may be liable for the actions of its 志愿者s, 在提供志愿者机会之前,应考虑个人的资格和适合性.

  2. 部门和学术单位应该仔细考虑适合志愿者执行的职责类型. 一般, 由大学员工执行的职责是适合志愿者的,只要他们得到与任何受薪员工相同的支持和培训,以便能够完成任务。.

  3. 的 minimum 年龄 for 志愿者s is 16 years. 18岁以下的志愿者必须得到父母或监护人的书面同意才能参加志愿者活动. 分配给未成年人的志愿者职责必须符合有关童工的所有适当法律法规.

  4. If a 志愿者 is a family member of a University employee, the 志愿者 cannot be placed under the supervision of that family member.

  5. Supervisors should ensure that 志愿者s have a clear understanding of their responsibilities, 限制, and an agreed-upon work schedule.

  6. 使用志愿者的部门有责任提供入职培训和安全培训,包括他们在执行任务期间可能遇到的任何潜在风险或危险.

  7. When a department wishes to use 志愿者s, 建议在个人在部门工作期间对其志愿者状态进行监控/记录. 的 supervisor should ask the 志愿者 to read the 志愿者 Agreement - Non-研究, sign the release form at the bottom, unless the department has its own form, and submit a copy of the signed form to the Department of 人力资源. 这些文件的原件应在志愿者在本部门工作期间以及志愿者在本部门工作结束后的五年内保存在本部门.

Criminal Conviction Background Check and Driving Record Check

如果志愿者将处理现金,应考虑刑事定罪背景调查, working with financial records, 与未成年人互动, or performing other duties deemed by the department or academic unit to be security sensitive.

If the 志愿者 will be 与未成年人互动, 他们必须联系风险管理办公室来完成犯罪背景调查 University Policy 3013, Minors on Campus.

人力资源部将对那些不与未成年人接触的志愿者进行背景调查, which will be charged to the department or academic unit using the services of the 志愿者背景调查的结果必须在志愿者开始任何志愿工作之前收到.

If 志愿者s will be operating their own personal vehicles as part of their duties, a valid driver's license and insurable driving record are required. 该部门将负责从潜在志愿者那里获得这些信息. No 志愿者 should be operating vehicles owned by 最靠谱的网赌软件.


建议向志愿者提供他们将要执行的职责的书面说明,并接受执行这些职责的培训,包括安全培训, 适当的. 除了, feedback on their performance is suggested. University employee work profiles or job description forms or evaluation forms, 然而, should not be used to document duties or performance because the 志愿者s are not employees.

Liability Cover年龄 of 志愿者s

大学的责任保险为大学的任何员工或代表的过失行为或过失行为索赔提供保护, 只要个人以官方身份行事,并在其职责范围内. 如果提出过失索赔, the University must substantiate that the 志愿者 was acting as its 年龄nt. 责任保险计划是针对大学代表的过失索赔,并可能提供因授权志愿者的官方活动而产生的附带付款. 否则, 所有医疗问题, including healthcare insurance, are the responsibility of the 志愿者.

工人赔偿保险不为志愿者提供医疗保险,即使受伤发生在志愿服务期间. 除了, 如果志愿者受到刑事指控,大学法律顾问不提供法律服务.

If there is an incident that may result in claims of negligence against the University, the circumstances must be documented and reported to the Office of Risk Man年龄ment, with a copy of the documentation maintained in the department.


的 平等机会声明 states that 最靠谱的网赌软件 does not discriminate against employees, 学生, 或者基于种族(或历史上与种族相关的特征,包括头发质地)的申请人, 头发的类型, and protective hairstyles such as braids, 锁, 和扭曲), color, 宗教, sex or gender (including pregnancy, 分娩, or related medical conditions), 国家的起源, gender identity or expressions, 年龄, 资深地位, 残疾, 政治面貌, sexual orientation or genetic information. This statement applies to all members of the University community, including 志愿者s.


大学不会容忍大学社区成员之间或成员之间创造不可接受的工作或教育环境的行为. If a 志愿者 is faced with sexual harassment, he/she has the same rights and responsibilities as 学生 or employees under University Policy 1005, Discrimination Policy.

Individuals with Non-Immigrant Visas Serving as 志愿者s

Individuals on non-immigrant visas (those who do not hold U.S. 永久居留权或公民身份)可能有与他们的签证类型相关的额外要求,这些签证类型决定了他们的志愿者能力. Departments should contact the Visa & Immigration 服务 Advising Office (intlstu@mojahedin-enghelab.net) for any questions regarding 志愿者ing and non-immigrant visa holders.

招聘 & 就业 Man年龄r, Department of 人力资源



Policy Formulation Committee (PFC) & 负责人员 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 帕梅拉•哈里斯




Policy 审查 Committee (PRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 唐娜W. 米克斯

Chair, Policy 审查 Committee (PRC)



Executive Policy 审查 Committee (EPRC) Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 9月Sanderlin

Responsible Oversight Executive



大学法律顾问 Approval to Proceed:

/s/ 艾伦T. 威尔逊





/s/ Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.




以前的版本: October 1, 2002; December 8, 2009; March 30, 2016; November 11, 2019; October 1, 2020; 2022年5月10日

预定覆检日期: 2022年5月10日