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生物学Ph值.D. 学生网弗吉尼亚海洋基金2022RESEARCH生RESEARCH奖学金

文/ Tiffany Whitfield

塞拉Hildebrandt博士.D. 最靠谱的网赌软件生物科学系的学生, 获得了2022年弗吉尼亚海上拨款 RESEARCH生RESEARCH奖学金.

Hildebrandt is one of only seven recipients from across the commonwealth for this year's competitive research award. 弗吉尼亚海洋补助金 will fund Hildebrandt for two years beginning in fall 2022. 作为她奖学金的一部分, she will create a database of living shoreline projects in Virginia and evaluate living shoreline performance over time.


“我在汉普顿的切萨皮克湾的一条小支流上长大, and that is where I developed this desire to understand our coastal ecosystems,希尔德布兰特说. "But living in the same place has allowed me to see just how interconnected and changing our systems are, 我认为这很有趣."

希尔德布兰特一开始是ODU的本科生, and her fascination for coastal ecosystems grew after she received a Bachelor of Science in biology with a concentration in marine science in 2018. 然后她在汉普顿大学获得了生物学硕士学位, 她的RESEARCH重点是牡蛎的替代修复技术. "I made a lot of great connections with the nonprofits and businesses in the area as a result,她说.

Her timing was impeccable as she searched for a school where she could pursue a Ph.D.

"I knew I wanted to stay in the area and continue to build my network and make new connections,希尔德布兰特说. “然而, I also knew I wanted to continue with oyster research and expand my areas of interest a little broader into coastal and wetland systems."

The decision to stay ultimately led her to Assistant Professor Taylor Sloey, 一位刚来ODU的湿地生物学家.

“我碰巧遇到了布朗博士. Sloey's 推特's page once she became a new hire, and I reached out to her,希尔德布兰特说.

他们是通过Zoom认识的, and Hildebrandt was immediately excited about working with Sloey as a doctoral student. What sealed the deal for her start in 2021 was how interested Sloey was in helping her pursue her research interests in wetlands.

“我喜欢这个. Sloey was so open to me continuing my oyster work while incorporating more coastal and wetland plant work,希尔德布兰特说. 和博士一起工作. 五年后斯洛伊会帮我达到我的目标, 我认为攻读博士学位很重要.D. 程序."

自Sierra于2021年加入ODU博士项目以来, 她已经开始着手处理弗吉尼亚的生物海岸线,斯洛伊说. "She's deeply involved with local living shoreline stakeholders and frequently volunteers at restoration projects around Hampton Roads. The opportunity for her to join the 2022 弗吉尼亚海洋补助金 RESEARCH生RESEARCH奖学金 class is 好吧 deserved and will certainly propel her to become a champion of our coastlines for years to come."


在我的RESEARCH中, 我将专注于有生命的海岸线, 哪一种以自然为本的海岸线保护方法,希尔德布兰特说.

Living shorelines are an alternative approach to traditional shoreline armoring such as sea walls or bulkheads and incorporate natural features such as marsh plants and oysters that mimic protective services of natural ecosystems while maintaining provision of ecosystem services, 包括稳定海岸线和改善水质.

“在维吉尼亚州, 政府已实施政策,促进利用有生命的海岸线, 但由于缺乏长期数据,广泛使用受到限制, so during my research as a VASG RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Fellow I will aim to evaluate living shoreline performance over time and identify areas for living shoreline prioritization within historically underserved communities,希尔德布兰特说.

希尔德布兰特还将与一位专业导师合作 湿地的手表 to create outreach materials related to living shorelines and her research. 湿地的手表 is a nonprofit in Norfolk that works to protect wetlands through state and federal advocacy, 教育和地方行动主义.

"We're excited to welcome an extremely diverse group of RESEARCH生 RESEARCH Fellows into the VASG student and professional cohort,特洛伊·哈特利说, 主任 弗吉尼亚海洋补助金. “他们独特的生活经历, perspectives and interests will drive innovation that is critical to address coastal issues in Virginia. We look forward to supporting their professional growth for years to come."

“我对生物学/生态学的一切都很着迷,”希尔德布兰特说. "I think that is why I am on this career path because I have never stopped asking questions."

进入ODU的Ph值.D. 这个项目需要五年的承诺.

"I have really enjoyed my time so far as a graduate student at ODU," Hildebrant said. “虽然我不认识所有的教员, the ones I do interact with are very genuine and care about the students at ODU. They want us to be 好吧-rounded scientists at the end of the day and achieve our goals."

Getting to do research along Virginia coastlines still fascinates Hildebrandt as 好吧.

“就RESEARCH而言, 好吧, you can't pick a better location than the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries for research,她说. “我可以在这个已经给了我很多的领域做我喜欢的事情, with the hopes of improving our shorelines and waterways for a better future."




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