Dear Students, 教师, and 工作人员:

These last few days have been a challenging time for our campus and our community. As many of you are aware, our University has been at the center of much controversy surrounding a 教师 member's description of research concerning pedophilia, a subject that is not only sensitive, but is also personally traumatic for many.

最近几天, as I have been engaging with our students, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 支持者, 社区成员, I have been struck by how many people have personally endured the tragedy of child sexual abuse in some way. 为他们, 特别是, this is a challenging time, triggering terrible memories and causing fresh pain.

Many individuals have 分享d with me the view that the phrase "minor-attracted people" is inappropriate and should not be utilized as a euphemism for behavior that is illegal, 道德上不可接受的, 而且极具破坏性. It is important to call pedophilia what it is. 作为一个父亲, I am troubled by this narrative and its potential consequences for my children and that of future generations.

在理想的情况下, we would be able to debate even the most challenging issues without disruption or threats of violence, but that is not the world we live in today. Our campus has recently become the target of threats and other unacceptable disruption.

As the 总统 of 最靠谱的网赌软件, my foremost responsibility is for the safety of everyone associated with the campus. 出于这个原因. Allyn Walker has been placed on administrative leave. Additional actions have been taken to enhance safety and security, and I encourage everyone to look out for each other and report anything of concern immediately. 另外, 公开声明, 如附件, is being 分享d with media outlets, as well as posted on the University's website and social media accounts.

研究 into sensitive topics and the expression of new or controversial views lie at the heart of academic research. 最靠谱的网赌软件 remains committed to providing an environment in which our 教师 can and will engage in rigorous research. 同时, this freedom carries with it the obligation to speak and write with care and precision, particularly on a subject that has caused pain in so many lives. I am confident that our Monarch family will rise to the occasion in our continuing campus dialogue, and I am equally confident that we 分享 a common starting point for the discussion: rejection of any form of sexual abuse of children.

I encourage all Monarchs, 无论远近, to reach out to each other, 提供支持, and utilize ODU's counseling services or Employee Assistance Program whenever it may be helpful to do so. I know that we will work our way through these difficult issues together as a Monarch family!


Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D.

Statement from 最靠谱的网赌软件

最靠谱的网赌软件 has placed Dr. Allyn Walker on administrative leave, 立即生效, from their position as assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice.

对Dr的反应. Walker's research and book have led to concerns for their safety and that of the campus. Furthermore, the controversy over Dr. Walker's research has disrupted the campus and community environment and is interfering with the institution's mission of teaching and learning. "I want to state in the strongest terms possible that child sexual abuse is morally wrong and has no place in our society," said ODU 总统 Brian O. Hemphill, Ph值.D. "This is a challenging time for our University, but I am confident that we will come together and move forward as a Monarch family."

The actions we are taking today are motivated by our obligation to maintain a safe and conducive learning environment for our students, 教师, 和工作人员.